
Michael's Brides invites

Has anyone used the Brides invites, STDs, or programs sold at Michael's?  Invites are one place that I really want to save some $$$---but I don't want them to look really cheap, or find out that they are a complete pain in the ass. I'm not the most crafty or DIY person!  If you have experience with these I'd love to know what you thought!

Re: Michael's Brides invites

  • edited December 2011
    a fiend of mine was going to do the invites from michael's but it ended up being cheaper to get invitations through formally modern tuxedo (they got the guys tuxes from there and they offer 50% off invites if you use them).  she said that the cost of ink alone to print the number of invites she needed exceeded what she ended up spending all together at FMT
  • edited December 2011
    I was going to do my invitations with one of the BRIDES kits. I actually bought it and got it home. I ended up not using it because I could not get the stupid things to print on my printer no matter how I adjusted settings. Before you take them on, make sure you can print them correctly or have a back up plan for going to Kinko's or something to print them. I decided to buy my invites from an Etsy seller and save my sanity.

    In terms of the paper, it is thinner and not as sturdy as more expensive invitations, but that's why they are a DIY kit. I scrapbook and make cards, so my idea of "sturdy" paper may be different that other's, but I don't think they look cheap. Be careful because when I opened the box, the pocketfolds were slightly bent from being packed badly, so I wasn't happy about that.

    You may be able to just print 5x7 invites on nice cardstock and buy envelopes at Hobby Lobby or something. I did this for my STD's and they turned out well. I would just make sure you use a standard size. Those square invites cost more in postage. I really hope that helps! :)

    Photobucket Visit The Nest! Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    It was cheaper for me to order invites from The American Wedding.  I did purchase my program paper from michael's and they turned out really nice...
  • edited December 2011
    I had actually bought the invites from Micheal's but after thinking about it, it was cheaper to get them from We got invites and RSVP cards for less that $80 for 100 invites.
    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • angiereicangiereic member
    edited December 2011
    I used the Michaels kit and they came out perfect!! If you use the 40% off coupons or sometimes they still put out 50% coupons it ended up costing me just over $80 for 160 invites and RSVP cards.  Be careful though if you get them one at a time (Michaels won't let you use more than one coupon/day). We ended up needing 15 more invites and the design we used had been discontinued.  We didn't stress out over it though because we knew people weren't going to be comparing invites so I just made up some that were a little less fancy from cardstock.  I didn't want to spend a lot of money on invites that I knew were just going to be thrown away (only 3 will probably be saved)
  • kmrazekkmrazek member
    edited December 2011
    I used a Brides invitation kit from Michaels, and I thought they turned out beautiful!  I got nothing but compliments on it (but really, I guess that's all anyone would say), and they were pretty easy.  This is the one I got, which is still for sale, and I have some leftovers if anyone is interested:
    Silver and White Pocket

    I don't know what the person who wrote the scathing review was doing, but I had no problems save for finding a pen to write on the envelopes (a calligraphy/paint pen worked perfectly). 
    Also, like angiereic said, you can use the 40% off coupons, or sometimes the 50% ones they have and get them quite cheap.  Just go with your fiance, mom, and a friend, hand all of them a coupon, and you've got the purchase made in one trip!  I have pictures of the invitations if you're interested.
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