
Bachelorette Party!

I'm a bride from Missouri and thinking about having my bachelorette party in Chicago! I had a really fun experience in Nashville at the Di*k's (it wouldn't let me use that word on here lol) Last resort restaurant and I believe there's one in Chicago!? Would you recommend that place for a good time at dinner? And any ideas for the rest of the night would be awesome:) Thanks!

Re: Bachelorette Party!

  • I actually have never heard of the place.  I looked on their website and it looks interesting. 

    Also, for the last two summers, Thunder Down Under has been performing in Chicago.  That might be an option for your gals, too.

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  • I haven't been to Diick's last resort in ages but my friends and I used to go to dinner there in High School- obviously we weren't drinking and it wasn't real late but there were younger people there. Like families. Maybe it's a little more "bacheloretteish" later in the night? 

    I'd recommend Howl at the Moon for entertainment. It's a piano bar. It's a pretty big bachelorette destination- I love that place. I've been to Funk for a b-party. It's a chip n dale show. No weenie- just dancing with their shirts off. It's a good time. 

    We started at Quartino for a friend's b-party. It's an Italian Tapas restaurant. Very good.

    Anxiously awaiting baby #1! Baby BOY Due: May 30, 2013! Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • I do love Howl at the Moon, but you'll be one of likely 10+ other bachelorette parties if you go on a Saturday night in the spring/summer months.

    D*cks Last Resort is a fun place for dinner (right on the river - try to get a table outside) but probably not for going out.

    What kind of night are you looking for? Obviously, Chicago has tons of options. Low key? Dancing? Live music?
  • Chicago is the BEST!  I've hosted two bachelorette parties for friends and now have my sister planning mine here.  Here's my pointers:
    If you are here in time for Happy Hour, go online to Howl at the Moon for your chance to "win" a free party.  Pretty sure you'll win, which gives you free admission, some food, and cheaper first few drinks.  Plus, then you'll be there early enough to snag a few tables without having to reserve them.

    Definitely plan to have a drink at the Signature Room - the women's bathroom view is the best!  It's a great spot to go before dinner and the night begins!

    If you're here for a Cubs game, then you have to head up to Wrigley for some day drinking and dancing.  It's a blast after the game!

    Some girls like having dinner at Kit Kat Lounge.  Food is fantastic, entertainment is entertaining!

    There is seriously so much to do - watch Groupon, LivingSocial, and YouSwoop for restaurant and spa deals.   Yay Chicago!

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