
asking FI's sisters to be bridesmaids

I'm in need of ideas for how to ask FI's sisters to be bridesmaids in our wedding.  I stole the poem beautifulnryan used for the rest of my bridesmaids (thank you - loved it!) but I don't feel like that fits our relationship.  I still want to do something special for them, but most of the other ideas I've seen or things I've come up with also don't seem to be appropriate.  We're close and get along really well, but we're not bff's, so I need something that fits that.  Any ideas? 

Re: asking FI's sisters to be bridesmaids

  • edited December 2011
    Have you looked on etsy? They have some cute cards. I have what i did in my bio, i just bought my girls cookies and cute little boxes to put them in and asked them directly "will you be my bridesmaid?" after they opened the gift!
  • aimers1525aimers1525 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Hmmm I'm not much help--I asked two of my BM's in person and sent one a card. I did ask another by sending her flowers at work. She was having a really rough week and flowers at work always make people feel better :)
  • jbll326jbll326 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I made wedding cake shaped cookies and wrote in frosting "Will you Be My Bridesmaid?" My FSIL loved them and got all teary.

    If you want to be consistent, there are Will You Be My Bridesmaid poems for FSILs if you just google it. I found this one right away, though it's more like a thank you poem than a will you be poem. You could change the wording up a bit.

    The day that I marry our families will blend,
    you'll be my sister and also my friend.

    It's so very special to know you will be,
    a part of this day, a bridesmaid for me.

    It's just the beginning of our brand new life,
    as your brother and I become man and wife.

    Thank You For Adding to My Joy
  • MrsPapsMrsPaps member
    edited December 2011
    I made cards for each of my girls, I just got cardstock from Michaels then the Bridesmaid scrapbooking stickers and wrote kinda fancy asking them to be a bridesmaid/maid of honor. They all really like it and I enjoyed making them-it was my first DIY!
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for the idea jbl!  I think I can use that poem and rework it a little bit to make it fit.   I like that I'll be able to do basically the same thing for everyone. 
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