
Columbus Engaged Encounter

Have any of you ladies attended the Columbus Engaged Encounter weekend? It was the alternative we were given by our priest to PreCana classes. We're going this weekend and, I have to admit, I am dreading it. I'm not a practicing Catholic and I don't know how religiously based" the weekend is.

Re: Columbus Engaged Encounter

  • edited December 2011
    My husband and I decided to do our where we currently live, although we are both from and got married in central Ohio. We were required to do it by our priest. Fyi - there is a Catholic board as well, so you may want to try posting it there or looking back a few pages for some of the ladies's thoughts and feelings. The Catholic board may be a big help to you as you are planning your wedding as well. And the ladies are so nice over there.

    I know that it is basically the same everywhere bc it is a national program. My best advice for you is to go into it with an open mind and heart. Pray about it before you go. I will admit, I was a bit reluctant to go at first, but H convinced me everything would be ok. And it was. We both actually got a lot out of it, although we had discussed many of the topics they covered.

    Congrats and good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    From what I've heard and read, they vary greatly by church/parish/presenters in how religious or secular it is. I was hoping to find someone who was specifically at the Columbus weekend-long engaged encounter because it's a bit different than others due to (from what I can tell) the length and intensity.

    Thanks for the suggestion on the Catholic board, although luckily, I am not planning the ceremony, my fiance is. He's the practicing Catholic, so it's all him...
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, ok. I didn't think they varied that much except for the couples that put it on. The basics are the same I thought bc it is a national organization. I am not sure there are a lot of Catholic girls on the Cbus board.

    Ours was a weekend retreat. They should send you or your FI an e-mail a few days before outlining the days' events. Basically, we showed up on Friday night, put our stuff away, went in the room for prayer, they told us what it was going to be about, introduced us to the couples, etc and we got our workbooks. Then we were off to bed.

    The next day we got up at 6:30 am, dressed & ate breakfast and then were off for a full day's worth of activities. Pretty much the same thing Sunday except for we had breakfast and then closing activities and mass. Then we were done about 1pm I believe.
  • edited December 2011

    While I'm getting married in Columbus... I live in Virginia and my fiance and I just attended a session last weekend. We thought it was a good experience. I had been a little worried because I didn't know what to expect. Our schedule sounded about the same as what Missy stated above. The couples presenting said this is a national program and everyone uses the same workbooks, etc so I bet yours will be similar! I hope it is a good experience, you'll have to let us know how it went :)

  • edited December 2011
    I look forward to hearing how this went. My fiance and I are looking at doing the Engaged Encounter either here in Columbus or in Newark.

    Visit The Nest! Visit The Nest!Visit The Nest!

  • edited December 2011
    Oh, DeeMarie, we went to the one in Newark!  Private message me if you want details, but I thought it was pretty miserable! I guess part of it depends on the level of your currently relationship - in other words, do you talk? If so, then you've probably covered these things. Another significant part is your presenters. Ours were very dry and unrelatable. The third is how religious you are. I am NOT religious. Parts of it made me very uncomfortable. Parts of it were redundant and after awhile. BLEH! If there's a 1-day version, take it!

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