
Knotties of the Week: mirandarocks & hz80408

Hey Ladies!!!  Its the last few days before the BIG ONE! :)

How's it going?  What last minute preps are you making?  Where are you going on your honeymoon?  Any problematic last minute vendors?  Let's hear it!

Congrats :)

PM me your wedding date so that we can celebrate you during your wedding week! :)

Re: Knotties of the Week: mirandarocks & hz80408

  • edited December 2011
    Congrats ladies!  Have a great week and enjoy your big days! 

    Miranda - I can't wait to hear about your experience with the Newberry (we're having our reception there too).
  • aimers1525aimers1525 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Have a great week ladies! Hope that the weather cooperates and that your day(s) are wonderful.
  • edited December 2011
    Feeling kinda stressed, but everything is pretty much set for the big day...all my vendors have been super great, had a little big of a pricing problem with I Do Films and ended up having to do some serious haggling, but everything is cool now...

    And the weather right now is looking perfect for saturday. Sunny high of 67. whoo-hoo!!
  • hz80408hz80408 member
    5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    Aw, I don't post too often on here, but am honored! :O)

    I'm not too stressed, I took this past weekend to do last minute things, such as make/write thank yous for BMs, pack for HM etc.

    All was well until last night when FI came back from watching the Bears game at the bar and being annoying (to be honest :O)....I come out of the bedroom from folding laundry and some how the growler that I had just got from Piece (part of my brother's TY gift, he's obsessed with their IPA) had broke.  The entire counter was covered in beer.  Luckily it was a clean cut on the bottom of the growler, so that was easy to clean, but  I beer pouring all over my counter and floor, which my 1.5 yr old dog was drinking. Ugh, what a disaster!!

    But now, all is well, the forecast is fabulous and I'm just biding my time for these last couple days of work! (I'm off starting Thursday).

    We're HMing at Secrets Maroma in Riveria Maya, and I can't wait!!

  • edited December 2011
    Congrats Ladies, I hope all of your wedding dreams come true!
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