
Bathroom baskets

I see that people mention bathroom baskets from time to time, and I was just wondering what that includes or what the purpose is for them. I apologize if this sounds like a silly question, but the last time I attended a wedding was when I was ten years old.

Re: Bathroom baskets

  • barbbhowwbarbbhoww member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    They are to give your guests certain things that they forgot.  Ladies would have tampons, pads, clear nail polish, stockings, band-aid, ibuprofen, spray deodorant

    guys would have black socks, spray deodorant, condoms ect ect.

    I didn't do them.
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  • truthhurtstruthhurts member
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    CONDOMS?? really??  We had a basket only in the ladies bathroom.  It included: hair spray, deodorant, mints, tampons, bobby pins, scrunchies, small nail clippers & emery boards.
  • bevnichole12bevnichole12 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the responses.
  • lunacydresslunacydress member
    edited December 2011
    I did them- I probably went a little overboard on what I had in there, but people seemed to appreciate what got used and I just kept what was left over.

    If you google "wedding bathroom baskets", there's lists of suggestions all over the place.

    For the record, I did NOT put condoms in the men's room.  That's just tacky.
  • omgitsrojoomgitsrojo member
    edited December 2011

    Just a thought-

    I was thinking about doing these, but then FI and I booked a huge reception venue that hosts 4 weddings a night... and I figured I would probably have guests from other weddings using our bathrooms and didn't want to supply the world with these items, so I nixed the idea.

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