
E-PIcs Tomorrow! Help!

So we are taking our e-pics tomorrow downtown, but I heard on the news this morning that it might rain and is going to be really really windy. I planned on wearing my hair down and straightened. Now what?? Any thoughts??

Re: E-PIcs Tomorrow! Help!

  • edited December 2011
    It rained a tad and was SUPER windy for our e-pics in Geneva and the pictures still came out great. Bring a clear umbrella (you can buy at Target I believe). If you are really not comfortable-can you reschedule?
  • edited December 2011

    It rained so bad on the morning of our epics and then it cleared up but the wind was out of control. Our pics still came out nice but I woud have loved for my hair to have still been braided. Can you just put your hair up in a really cute style?

    See my hair is blowing back? But I still love the pic. We were on the lakefront by the Planetarium.
    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • edited December 2011
    I could re-schedule if the weather were henious. However, I am hoping I do not have to. I am thinking about curling my hair instead and wearing it half up or in a side ponytail. I'm not sure yet :(
  • edited December 2011

    it rained on my e-pics too and my pics actually came out great. we aren't squinting in any of the photos because it was a little overcast too. it was super windy too.  some of the pics where the wind is blowing are acutally really cute. coming from a hair stylist...if you naturally straight go straing, if you are naturally curly go curly...the moisture in the air if it rains will do numbers if you fight the natural. also bring a light hair spray (that's not sticky) with you to do touch ups

    you could always find a place indoors to take pics so that the weather isn't an issue for you.

    good luck!

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