
Another STD addressing question....

For the Save-The-Date envelopes, 

For your single guests who don't have current significant others, but who you plan on inviting plus guest, do you put "and guest" on the STD so they know they can bring a date, or just their name? 

Also, for single guests who are currently in a relationship that might not be super-serious yet, do you include the SO's name, or "and guest", or just their name? 

Re: Another STD addressing question....

  • edited December 2011
    I would be careful with this. What I did was just address the one person on the STD. Whatever you put on the STD, must also be on the invitation. ie you couldn't say & Guest now and then no guest at the wedding. You can always add later, so it seems safer to me.
    Steph & Brandon 4.17.10
    Planning Bio
    Married Bio - Updated 7.2
  • edited December 2011
    I agree.  Placing "and guest" is the safest and most appropriate way to handle this matter but be careful about how you apply this usage.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, and I didn't notice this before, but like Berry said if you plan on inviting everyone with a guest, go for the "& Guest". Their guest might change between now and then anyway.
    Steph & Brandon 4.17.10
    Planning Bio
    Married Bio - Updated 7.2
  • NoronNoron member
    edited December 2011
    I'd probably err on the side of caution and leave off the "& guest".  That way they can be pleasantly surprised when they get the invite, OR you can add their SO if they're dating someone at that time.
    But either way is fine, I'm sure.
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  • edited December 2011
    I am not puting & Guest on the STD envelopes. We're still on the fence about guests because I have a lot of obligatory invitations to family members who are 99% unlikely to come. If the guest is engaged or in the case of some of our guests, soon to be engaged, we are putting both names on the STD.
    Married on 8/7/10 My Bio
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  • edited December 2011
    I agree with PP.

    That is what I did - I either put name of guest if they are in serious relationship (engaged or living together) or I just had their name and they can be pleasantly surprised when their invite comes!
    I want to avoid any & guest - I want specific names.

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