
Finally Hitched...

I saw the post for me last week. Thanks girls, you really put a smile on my face!

We had perfect weather, totally lucked out! Of course I did plan it b/c I'm good like that. =)

I was so sick throughout the entire Mass and reception though! I was terribly nervous about the whole day and I think I ended up making myself sick with worry. Everything turned out so well though. Everyone had such a fantastic time and that's ALL I care about. My DH had the time of his life and it felt so good to be able to sit and enjoy watching everyone dance the night away.

I ended up not having a single drink at our reception, not how I envisioned, but so glad I was stone sober. I was able to take in the whole day with fresh eyes. I did have a wonderful time though!

I have two favorite parts for the whole day...number 1 is saying my vows to my DH....number 2 was dancing with my dad. My brother, who's 25, cried like a baby when I danced with my dad. It was so amazing to see how much he cares about both of us. My brother is a "tough guy" so to see him soften up like that was really amazing.

I will post vendor reviews and for sale stuff in my page soon.

Thanks for all of your kind words and support girls!

When you're born in Chicago you're blessed and you're healed the first time you walk into Wrigley Field. My Bio

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