I took a peek at your bio, the DIY section and instructions, and I absolutely love your cake topper!! I am definitely going to send an email request to your vendor.
I have a few questions about the steps you took to decorate your letter.
Why did you paint the letter metalic black? Is there a specific reason or did you just like the overall look of it?
I don't really understand the bit about the rhinestones. I'm very new to the DIY/crafting world. Could you clarify what your were saying about the 5's and 20's? Are those different sized rhinestones?
Finally, how much/what brand of rhinestones did you use? Were your less expensive on ebay or was it a matter of quality? What should I look for?
I'm sorry for so many questions. I really like the way your letter turned out and that's exactly what I am looking to do too!
Thanks so much
When you're born in Chicago you're blessed and you're healed the first time you walk into Wrigley Field.
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