
Photograhpher Update

Thanks again girls for all your advice!! I just wanted to update everyone since you were all so helpful :)

I called our photographer (Aaron Bernard, Liquid Light Images) last week and explained that we were dissapointed with the pictures we received.  I think he was shocked and tried to explain that he can't guarantee candid shots or details and that the weather was to blame (which confused me since it stopped raining an hour before the ceremony and never rained for the rest of the night.)  He also said that he and his wife were not arguing throughout the day, thats just the way they talk to each other and insisted he took the most of the shots I wanted (candids, ring in ring dish, wide shot of the tent/ceremony, us with marraige cert, etc)... but they turned into corrupted files. 

Ugh, basically, he said he gave us everything he had and that he can look through his pictures and see what else he can send me, but there are probably only about 200 that would be useable.  Also, since it was dark (we had an outside wedding) a lot of things are blurry.  I told him I would take anything since there was so much missing!!  We'll see what he comes up with, I'm just so bummed that things didnt turn out better as we went over everything so many times and he was so agreeable.... sigh.

Re: Photograhpher Update

  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for keeping us posted.  I am so incredibly frustrated for you... his response is completely unacceptable, IMO.  I do hope he finds some more that is usable in his body of work, but frankly, his reasons ring hollow to me.  Yes, maybe it was dark, but that's why they make these handy little things called flashes and fast lenses and tripods.  And sure, maybe once in a blue moon, a file or two gets corrupted, but he should at least have had the decency to notify you and set the expectation he would not be able to deliver as promised.  FWIW, I've never had a corrupted file in 4-5 years of taking photos of our dog :D

    I know your top priority is to get the photos, so if he comes back and says he didn't find anything usable, I really would press him for all of the RAW files of everything he shot that day, along with a full release for your non-commercial use in exchange for 'letting things go'.  At the very least, you can sift through it yourself, and maybe with some cropping & post processing, PARTS of some photos might be usable?  Even if they are blurry or dark, it might be better than nothing.

    Another option to consider is to find your contract and any correspondence with him.   Some include a clause about 'work that is commensurate with the quality and style seem on my website', and others will mention something about the approximate number of photos you should expect to receive.   Look for things that you can use to assert you did not get what you paid for.  I had a peek at his price list and blog and fully undertand why you would expect more.  BTW, how long was the wedding?  200 shots doesn't sound like a lot...

    You can also ask him how he proposes to make things right...if he can't find the photos (and admits to "corrupted files"), didn't have the right equipment, and in the end delivered sup-par work leaving a bride really unhappy, he should have a plan on how to fix it... a partial refund, a free photobook, a trash the dress on your 1 year anniversary...he should offer *something*.  Not sure if you'd even want anything, but he should definitely be thinking this way to protect his brand, so consider what you might be OK with.

    Sorry for the long post, but photos are one of the few things I understand and am SUPER passionate about...

    Thank you for sharing about your experiences.  I would also be sure to post a full vendor review...you can always amend it later if he is able to make things better (obviously never right) for you.  Good luck, and let us know if we can be of more help!

    Edited to add...he has provided the following information himself on weddingbee, listing very high end equipment that should have *no* problem handling low light & working effectively with flash.  "Top of the line Cannon equipment for our camera bodies and lens. Camera bodies are 1D, 1D's and 5D series and our lens are "L" series."

  • edited December 2011
    I'm with Tanq on this one, and bow to her expertise.
  • fabutanfabutan member
    edited December 2011
    Hmmm, something definitely sounds fishy...  I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this disappointment!  I'm so shocked that something like this would happen with a professional...and Tanq's right, the excuses don't seem to "cut it".  I'd definitely follow her advice to the letter!  

    I also think some form of compensation or partial refund is warranted, especially since he's admitted that key shots were missed due to corrupted files and not being prepared enough to deal with lighting conditions.  He should at least be willing to do something more than an apology and (what sounds like) various excuses!  As a professional company, he should be concerned with customer satisfaction.

    Again, it's terrible that you have to go through this.  :(  Fingers crossed that you can salvage something useful from the raw images...

  • edited December 2011
    I'm so sad to here about this nightmare vendor! I hope you put that review on all the wedding review sites so no one has the same experience. Thanks for sharing! I kind of wish we could pay for services after we see the final product just because of situations like this. 
  • rapabalarapabala member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    OMG! you wont believe what happened to me!  My wedding was Oct 3 2010 and I booked Aaron Bernard too.  I've been emailing, wondering whats taking so long with my pictures.  Its been 4 months!!!  He finallly calls me earlier this week and tells me he has bad news.  Some of the files were corrupted!!! you know which ones??? The ones with all my family and friends.  All the group shots with family and all my guests are all GONE!!! the only pictures I have is of my husband and I and my bridal party.  thats it!!! the most important ones are the pictures of my family and friends and guests and I dont have any of them.  I AM BEYOND FURIOUS!  and to this day, I still dont have my pictures.  I should be getting them next week.  And the nerve of him...the only options he gives me to make up for it is either 1, do my maternity shot 2. do my baby's 1st bday or 3. do an album.  HE IS CRAZYYY!!!  I dont even get a refund!  After I get my pictures, Im gonna get a lawyer.  No one should ever have to go thru this again!  I HATE HIM SOOOO MUCH!
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