
Update on what happened last night

I know there's mistake in this, but I'm too tired to fix them. I'm so exhausted right now.  Emotionally drained in every way. Last night wasn't good. FI thought it was good that he did talk to his parents about everything and now knows where they stand.  But, it's what was said, as far as I'm concerned, that isn't good.

First off, FI's father said he's probably not going to the wedding. It's a power play on his part, I know, but it really hurt to hear.  I pretty much started crying as soon as I heard that.  From there it all went down hill.

They had so many things to say about me that weren't very nice or true.  The thing that I am the most confused about is saying I am unsocial and not very outgoing.  I am so freaken social I always have way to much to do and too many commitments. I'm always bouncing around at events, getting to know new people and making new friends.

They said they would help with some of the wedding, but only at a price. Basically, if we accept their help with anything for the wedding than we owe them. They said they only do things for others expecting something in return.  They told FI that they have done a lot for him in his life and he owes them for it.  If they want him to come over and do stuff at their house then he needs to come over and do it because they have done so much for him. They know he has his own house now and we have lots to do on it, but they don't care. Their house comes first, even though they are both retired, have lots of time to do their own stuff and fully capable of doing it themselves.

I'm sorry, but I am unaware of doing things for others only to get something in return.  I do many things for my daughter and do not expect anything in return from her for it.  I do many things for friends, family and co-workers and do not expect anything in return.  I do it because I want to and it's nice of me to do. I don't understand doing something for someone and then holding it against them making them feel that they owe me. 

Now knowing that FI's parents feel this way makes me not want anything from them ever. I can't go through my life always feeling like I owe somebody something and never knowing if I've done enough to satisfy the debt that they think I have to them.

They had a lot of complaints about our wedding. FI's dad told him if we didn't want to have a wedding here then we should go and do it by ourselves.  Why did we need to have anyone else there? FI tried to explain to him how much the wedding would cost us to do here since we both had such big families and he replied if we couldn't pay for everyone then we shouldn't get married.

FI's mom said she didn't ask about the ring because I should be running around and showing it off to everyone.  I personally think it's rude to flaunt things of that nature.  Especially, in this economy.  I was so hurt that they didn't say a thing about the wedding or engagement that I wasn't about to throw my hand in their face. 

Why haven't FI's parents said anything about the wedding, engagement or told him congratulations? Because he always said he wasn't going to get married when he was younger. Why does FI's mom treat me the way she does? Because FI has had other girlfriends and he's not with them anymore so she doesn't want to get to close. Even though we've been together longer than any of his other relationships, own a house together and are now engaged.

There is so much more, but I am having a really hard time writing this.  I'll fill you in on the rest when I am feeling better. Sorry if some of this isn't clear. I didn't sleep much last night and don't think my thought process is working correctly.

Re: Update on what happened last night

  • motoLynmotoLyn member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Oh Kimmy those words they said to you both are horrible.  First what grinds my gears is that they believe your FI owes them.  They are his parents, they are there to make sure he lives and is raised properly.  He doesn't OWE them for that.  Second out of gratitude for raising him your FI should want to help his parents fix things, not obligated to do so.  That itself shows that the parents are trying manipulate him and keep their son under their thumbs.  Second of I agree that flaunting a ring is not something I would do.  If someone asks to see it great, but I won't fling my hand in someone's face to show  off my ring.  Third (as you can see there is a list) if you can't afford to pay for everyone does not mean you cannot have a wedding.  I'm in the same situation I can't afford to have a wedding for all of the families and friends to attend.  Hence a smaller celebration in Maui. 

    I am sorry that their words have hurt you and caused you stress, but if your FI's dad does not want to attend then that is his choice and you are better off without having that dark cloud rain on your day.  As for your FI's mom, that is BS excuse for not getting closer to you.  You are guys are in it for the long haul and so there is no reason why she should think that you and your FI are going to split.  I hate to say it but the parents should like quite a catch.  Chin up Kimmy, get your rest, and focus on the positives. 
  • edited December 2011
    Oh gosh, that's awful. Definitely don't take anything from them - they sound like the kind of people to hold it over your heads.

    How does the rest of his family (brothers? sisters?) feel about the wedding?
  • AKWinterBrideAKWinterBride member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    OMG, how awful.  What parent would ever do such a thing and expect so much of their son?  Your FI does NOT owe them anything, I mean did they get pregnant with him thinking, 'Yay, now we have a son we can treat like crap, because he will owe us for raising him'.  Ridiculous!

    You know what?  If FI's Dad doesn't want to come - good riddance.  He is going to be the one regretting that he turned his back on his son.  I wish I could give you a huge hug right now, they are making you feel so awful when you have done nothing wrong. 
    Photobucket Photobucket Anniversary
  • cryssvcryssv member
    edited December 2011
    Kimmy I'm so sorry you're going through this - like I said I can identify with a part of this and understand some of your feelings. FI's parents are going way too far with attacking your character and not giving you a second of a chance to even get to know you.

    I struggled for a long time feeling ripped off of my "happy wedding planning" time because I just couldn't get past the treatment from his parents - obviously it still hurts and I wish I could give you some great words of wisdom or advice. The idea that's been working for me lately is to forget it all and focus on marrying the man I'm in love with and want to spend the rest of my lfie with. It's not us who are going to look back one day and realize we missed everything and didn't take part in one of the most amazing days of our lives...... if they love their son and want only what's best for him as they claim that's what they are fighting for, one day they are going to wake up and realize that not only have they missed out on one of the most important days of his life but that they also don't have a relationship with him anymore. I know it's tough and I know it sounds easier said than done right now and that's ok..... take your day or two or even a week to feel it - be angry, be sad, vent and then put it in a box and don't let it ruin this time in your life. Don't let that memory be the one that pops up when you look back on this time in your life.

    Huge hugs to you and we're here anytime you want to vent.

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  • kimmykupcakeskimmykupcakes member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    There is no way I am taking any help from them.  I sure don't want it always hanging over my head.  FI's brother is happy for us and told us congratulations right away.  I thought all kinds of things like forgetting about the wedding, having it in Oregon, eloping, etc, but I am not letting them take this away from us.  I am going to keep planning like nothing happened.  If I have to I will get a new credit card to pay for all of it! HA! I don't think we would have to do that, but I would rather do that than the other option.

    One thing I forgot to tell you, while FI's dad says he's not going, FI's mom is already verbally inviting others to come to our wedding. Yup, they are not people we have on our very small less than 20 guestlist.

  • madstaylormadstaylor member
    edited December 2011
    This is so terrible. :( Im sorry sweetie. Hopefully they will realize they are in the wrong and come around.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_hawaii_update-happened-last-night?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:73Discussion:a183a56c-d4c1-4de4-83df-a6da99fcee63Post:078ae904-e681-4333-8f0d-826a97efd155">Re: Update on what happened last night</a>:
    [QUOTE]There is no way I am taking any help from them.  I sure don't want it always hanging over my head.  FI's brother is happy for us and told us congratulations right away.  I thought all kinds of things like forgetting about the wedding, having it in Oregon, eloping, etc, but I am not letting them take this away from us.  I am going to keep planning like nothing happened.  If I have to I will get a new credit card to pay for all of it! HA! I don't think we would have to do that, but I would rather do that than the other option. One thing I forgot to tell you, while FI's dad says he's not going,<strong> FI's mom is already verbally inviting others to come to our wedding. Yup, they are not people we have on our very small less than 20 guestlist.</strong>
    Posted by kimmykupcakes[/QUOTE]

    Oh sweet Jesus. That's BRUTAL. Sounds like your FI needs to sit down with them some more.
  • maui2011maui2011 member
    edited December 2011
    This is just awful...glad you are not giving them any power by continuing with your planning for both your Hawaii wedding and AHR.  Keep your head up sweetie...positive thinking can go a long way!  They may come around when they realize that all they are doing is driving their son away from them and closer to you. Hang in there!!! Plus only wanting to do something for someone if it benefits them..what!!!! Are they for real...what a shame! J. Smile
  • kimmykupcakeskimmykupcakes member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    FI already told them that they can't invite others and that it's a very small group.  His dad replied that none of our friends would want to go to Hawaii to be at our wedding and we probably couldn't get that many people to go anyway. Funny thing is that our friends are so excited and so many have been asking to come that they want to just be there with us for the week, attend the wedding and are fine with not being able to go to the lunch reception because we have to keep it under a certain number. We haven't been inviting people saying you can come but can't come to the reception, our friends came to us asking knowing that we were restricted on our numbers.  I just think it's awesome that our friends want to come celebrate with us so much.

    Anyway, things are much better. FI told me more last night. Everything only brought us closer and made us more committed to having the wedding that's our dream, not someone else's.  Plus, Fi brought me home a gift last night to cheer me up.  Got me the new Adele cd which I've been really wanting and a cd that's a collection of Hawaiian music.
  • carrieoz_76carrieoz_76 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    That's just awful.  If people said those things to me I'd be incredibly hurt.  I think your instinct to not ever take anything from them is the way to go.  You don't want to get entangled with people who are mentally adding up the debt they think you owe them.  Ugh.

    As hard as it may be, you just need to keep plugging away with the wedding you and your FI want, try not to engage with his parents (don't argue with them - literally don't respond when they say nasty things, and limit your exposure to them), and don't talk bad about them to your FI (he probably feels bad enough already).  I wouldn't take any money from them, given what they're saying.  That's not healthy to be put in a situation they'd think you should be in if they give you money.  Sounds like you both need to become completely independent of them in every way.  Be courteous during family events, and that's it.

    Best of luck.  Family stuff is the hardest to deal with when wedding planning, but it really will all turn out ok in the end.  Take care.
  • carrieoz_76carrieoz_76 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_hawaii_update-happened-last-night?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:73Discussion:a183a56c-d4c1-4de4-83df-a6da99fcee63Post:7fb3cac8-bc20-468b-8a16-d78adc7c7c89">Re: Update on what happened last night</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Update on what happened last night :   Sounds like your FI needs to sit down with them some more.
    Posted by kaesha[/QUOTE]
    This.  He needs to set clear boundaries for them - you and your FI are putting together the guest list, your not taking any money from his parents, and you'll decide who's on the list.  They cannot be inviting people, period.  <div>
    </div><div>Wedding planning is sometimes the first time that young people are forced to establish a clear boundary around their new relationship to their family, and it's really important that you and your FI do this clearly, simply, and firmly, and stick with it.</div>
  • edited December 2011
    I'm so sorry.  Your situation feels similar to me when I was engaged 10 years ago.  I got engaged the night before we flew to his parent's house for christmas.  When we told his parents we were engaged, no congrats, no let me see your ring.  The coldest response I ever had in my life.  I cried when we got into bed that night. Long story, but a year later, he broke up with me.  That relationship showed me that weddings can bring out the worst in people.  Not only did his parents turn into ugly people, so did my mother.  During the planning, my mom was "motherofthe bridezilla" 

    My advise is that you and your fiance need to be a united front to his parents.  It sounds like you already are.  Again, I am so sorry his parents are acting like this.  Don't they know that life is too short and that their son's happiness is most important? 
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_hawaii_update-happened-last-night?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:73Discussion:a183a56c-d4c1-4de4-83df-a6da99fcee63Post:11fa7171-5d6b-4723-8792-284bbc761db4">Re: Update on what happened last night</a>:
    [QUOTE] Family stuff is the hardest to deal with when wedding planning, but it really will all turn out ok in the end.  Take care.
    Posted by carrieoz_76[/QUOTE]
    Late to the thread, but wanted to offer hugs and support.  I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Carrie is absolutely right...the family stuff really is the hardest of all of this, even for those who start with functional families :-)  It sounds like you and FI are in a great place - on the same side, getting closer with each obstacle.  Keep it that way and keep your chin up.  It will turn out ok, even if it drives you batty until the minute the music starts.  You're spot on - focus on the fact you get to marry the love of your life, and everything else is just secondary after that!
  • kimmykupcakeskimmykupcakes member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I missed a few of these last posts.  Glad I saw them.  Thanks, again for your support! All of you!
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