So the other night my brother made a comment to my stepmom that he will feel slighted if he is not in my wedding. My fiance and I are each having 6 bridesmaids/groomsman, but he is not one of them. We are asking both of my brothers to be ushers. Reason being this brother hasn't been asked yet is bc he lives in Baltimore and we wanted to ask him in person over Thanksgiving. Does anyone think that being an usher is still considered "in the wedding"? I have 4 grandmas & 2 moms. So I want one brother to walk 2 grandmas & a mom down the aisle. (Brothers have different moms)
I was a bridesmaid in my brothers wedding 4 years ago. I really don't want him to be upset, but it also wasn't my choice who my fiance had as his groomsmen. Also, my brother & fiance aren't super close. I think the last time they spoke was last Christmas when my brother was in town....