Hi Ladies!!
I am hoping a couple of you can help me out. I am looking for a realtor in the Hilliard area to sell my condo. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Married 7/11/2009. TTC since 6/2011. Saw RE in 1/2012 dx with unexplained infertility. Clomid with IUI 4 times all BFN. Moved onto IVF October 2012, 10R, 8F, 2 transferred, 0 frosties = BFN. RE moving to Texas so started with new RE in December 2012. Plan for IVF #2 in February. ER 2/16/13 9R, 9M, 6F. ET 2/21/13 of two embies, beta #1 3/5/13 505! Beta #2 ??