January 2013 Weddings

Still trying to figure things out

My fiance and i got engaged on the 20th of december. we are still trying to decide an exact date but we are thinking january 27, 2013, but we arent completely sure yet. also if we do decide we want the 27th i have no idea where we should be with our planning...i think i just need someone to talk to about all of this lol :)

Re: Still trying to figure things out

  • I would start with the venue check avalible dates then go from the most important vendor (to you and your FI) to the least. If cake i important but photos not so much start with the baker and end with the photographer. HTH

  • Thanks thar helps out alot :)
  • If you aren't set on a date, I recommend mine, 1/20, It is a Sunday, but it's the one before MLK Day, so it's like an extra Saturday, That date has saved me so much money so far, I couldn't be happier. 
    White Knot
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    RSVP Date: December 15th
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