January 2013 Weddings

Big Checks!

Okay, so as we approach the 10-month mark, I've actually entered an interesting lull in my planning life, but that aside, I have made some big check in the past few weeks.

Last week, we put the deposit down on the florist and I can't even begin to tell you how excited about that I am. I'm getting my flowers for $330! I got a really good coupon from a bridal fair and who can say no to a fabulous and normally out-of-my-budget-priced florist for less than $350?!

And today, we put the deposit down on the photographer! It's honestly the biggest purchase I have made in my life, and it was just the deposit! yikes! But I think it'll be worth it in the long run. For having caviar taste on a triscuit budget, this photographer is a really good deal! I'm really excited. They aren't cheap, but both my FI and I agreed that photography is something we wanted to splurge on.

I'm definitely doing things out of order, if TK's checklist is to be believed but just getting these things finalized has been like pulling teeth between me, my parents, FI, and FILs. There's a lot to be said for having 6 people with very different opinions on value. But as FI and I are paying for the photographer, my parents and FIL's kind of lost that battle.

Anywho... It was just a bright bit of sunshine in my otherwise gloomy week.

Happy Planning everyone!

Re: Big Checks!

  • awesome checks!!!
    Our photographer is by far the biggest wedding purchase we've made so far!
  • edited March 2012
    congrats!  we just finally decided on our photographer yesterday, after many weeks of debate, and we'll be paying the deposit really soon!  so we've got a date, venue, and a phtographer so far.  oh, and a florist because he's in the family!
  • I paid the deposit for catering this week, I think it was the biggest check I've ever written.  We have a photographer and a florist, venue, officiant, dress, all that's really left of the big stuff is music.  We just can't decide what we want. 

    For me, the photographer is going to be one of the cheaper items, because the guy is a friend of my brother and gave me a huge discount.  He's a great photographer and owns his own studio, and I'm really looking forward to having him do engagement photos this summer.
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  • Yeah, i'm a little worried about the caterer. Mom is trying to convince me to just have my aunts put it together, but my dad and I are on the side of not wanting to put that much pressure on anyone, so honestly, I just need to meet with quite a few more caterers to find someone in our price range that I can make a reasonable pitch to my mom about to try to get her on our side. She's very DIY about certain things, but I'm hoping I can find someone to help because honestly, we're already going to be doing a lot. So it'll be interesting. But I feel like i need to get on that. 
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