April 2013 Weddings

AW: 365 days to go!!!

I'm super excited!  We're going out tonight after FI gets home from work and going to see a movie.  We haven't been on a "date" since last summer since we don't have a babysitter nearby.  I had to bribe my mom to drive up here with the promise of homemade stuffed peppers, but it's worth it!
Wedding Countdown Ticker
58 invited image | 17 love destination weddings image
20 can't make it image | 21 don't know what to do with a RSVP card image
RSVP Deadline: March 8th

Re: AW: 365 days to go!!!

  • wooot yaay!!
    148 invitedimage | 105 Yes!image | 8 Noimage |33 still ? image
    RSVP Deadline: March 8
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • Yay! Our tickets are finally "moving"!!

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • In Response to Re:AW: 365 days to go!!!:[QUOTE]Yay! Our tickets are finally "moving"!! Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    TK mobile needs to add an edit button.

    Tickets tickers

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • Yay. I hope you had an amazing date night!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We had a great time!  We saw American Reunion (how romantic, eh?  lol) and had dinner in a restaurant that didn't have crayons & coloring books at the hostess stand.  WOO HOO!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    58 invited image | 17 love destination weddings image
    20 can't make it image | 21 don't know what to do with a RSVP card image
    RSVP Deadline: March 8th
  • wow! i'm dying for my ticker to start moving! hehe
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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