
Survey or just a dumb question

How helpful do you find the formal vendor information on wedding websites?  For example florist who advertiseDo you use the vendors?Or do you ask for recommondations from other brides more?Thanks!

Re: Survey or just a dumb question

  • meemawmeemaw member
    edited December 2011
    Thats easy, I used all the knot recs and didnt even look much at any advertising. Didnt have any huge issues with wedding at all, except the light rain...
  • edited December 2011
    Advice from people who have actually used a vendor is of greater value than paid advertising.  Anyone can pay for good recommendations... not everyone can earn it by being a quality vendor.
  • edited December 2011
    I looked at the vendor advertising on The Knot and other sites like Wedding Wire. That's how I found all my vendors. BUT...I didn't know these boards existed. And its such a shame because if I had known, I would have listened to the recs given by brides on this board and hired several different vendors. Personal recommendations and reviews are far more valuable than advertising, IMO.

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  • tidetraveltidetravel member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Ditto Dani - anyone can pay for an advertisement - doesn't mean they are reliable.  I would go with a knottie recommendation over a vendor advertisement any day.  I also looked at reviews on too.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    I've mostly used recs on here and weddingwire.  I only contacted vendors with at least 10 reviews on weddingwire with 4.5 stars or higher.
  • HoosierTerpHoosierTerp member
    edited December 2011
    Paying for advertising doesn't make me any more likely to choose a vendor.  I do tend to think many people over hype their vendors and leave out any issues they may have had, but you will also get some very helpful reviews.
  • edited December 2011
    I found my photographer, caterer and DOC through the  ladies here on the Baltimore board. For the other vendors, I looked around online and did look at reviews on sites like, and if they had positive reviews that helped influence my decision whether to contact them or not.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies. I'm working on a marketing project and I have to market my "business" and this helps me a lot with my budget.
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