
NWR: Knottie vibes needed!

So, today I applied for 11 different positions at hospitals in the area. I've never had luck with getting call backs before after applying online, so I'm pretty nervous. Some of the positions were really good, too! 8 of the positions I applied for are at the hospital where FI's aunt is a big wig informatics nurse, so I reaaaaaally hope she can hook me up! I really need to get one of these jobs as a nurse tech/student nurse extern to work during my last semester, because it gives you a better chance of getting hired after graduation (as an internal hire). Since the economy sucks major right now, most hospitals have hiring freezes randomly and even though there's a nursing shortage, many nurses are having a lot of trouble finding jobs post-graduation. I can't be one of them! Plus, FI and I could use the money so we can start looking at houses. Everyone seems to be having good luck from the Knottie vibes these days, so I figured I'd give it a try, too. Thanks girls!!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.

Re: NWR: Knottie vibes needed!

  • edited December 2011
    vibes coming your way!
  • edited December 2011
    sending vibes your way! by the way - a friend of mine works at the balt/wash medical center and a nurse of hers just quit (this morning actually).  i'm not sure of the hiring process or anything like that but if you'd like me to get in touch with her for you, let me know.  my email is smange5 at hotmail dot com
  • edited December 2011
    I owe some major knottie vibes so GL! Is there a way you can go into any of the places to drop off a resume or is it strictly online? So much is done online these days but if you have the opportunity to go face to face they might remember you and you have the chance to put on a good first impression.  Either way, good luck and keep us posted!

    MyBio image

  • edited December 2011
    Wow, you girls are quick! Smange- that would be lovely, but untofrunately I can't work as an RN until January once I take (and hopefully pass!) m boards. So for now it's just tech positions I can work. But thank you for the offer! Unionbay- well I'm really hoping FI's aunt can help me out with the face-to-face thing at Franklin Square. Also, I went to a job fair for Upper Chesapeake last week (the other hospital I applied to) and met with the nurse recruiter and gave her my resume... there just weren't a whole lot of tech positions available but I'm hoping she remembers when she sees my app!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
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