
59 days-still a ton of crap to do-VENT

Does/did anyone else feel like there are not enough hours in the day?  Between wedding stuff and regular home stuff and working out, etc. I am being worn thin!!Our honeymoon isn't even close to being booked, I haven't sent my invites out yet (as soon as my Vistaprint order arrives I can stuff and mail), parents gifts aren't done, and I still haven't made a decision on my jewelry even though I've bought several different options but can't decide.  Plus so many other things that I haven't figured out yet pertaining to the wedding.I'm going crazy!!!FI and I work different schedules so we barely see each other during the week, which is hard and wearing on me quite a bit. I don't know how people who are in school and work, or have 2 jobs or something like that plan their weddings because I have one regular full time job while doing this and I'm irritated!/vent over.  Must go back to focusing on positivity now.

Re: 59 days-still a ton of crap to do-VENT

  • edited December 2011
    BREATHE!!!!!! I think this has been said before - make lists, lists and more lists.  You'll feel way more productive when you are able to cross things off and move on to the next task.  I have lists everywhere - FI is ready to kill me.  Not to mention my mom has lists of her own.
  • vjcjenn1vjcjenn1 member
    edited December 2011
    I felt like that and honestly, there may enough time...I had to give in and let people there anyone offering to help you...give them a few ideas of things they could work on and see if they would be interested in doing those.
  • vjcjenn1vjcjenn1 member
    edited December 2011
    my post should say there may not be enough time
  • edited December 2011
    i think reading the sulla tips has now brought me back to reality and I have a more zen like approach now...i think you should read them!  I feel the same way at will all get done..I prioritized things that NEED to be done, like order the alcohal and things I would love to have: OOT bags and then things that if I have time but won't stress about them in the meantime: aka bathroom baskets. will all be great!
  • edited December 2011
    I know how you feel...I had the same feeling at that point too.  I remember thinking...I wish the day was just here already b/c then all the planning/decisions would be over. Things will get done and others won't, but it'll still be great! Make a list and then immediately cross off any non-essentials...The day is going to come no matter what, right? I know how you feel with not seeing FI, my FI just started working night shift so Mon-Thurs I don't see him AT ALL and I live with him! But, hey, I can go into full-on wedding mode at night and not feel guilty it :)But Yay - you'll be sending out invites soon, that part is so exciting! 
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for the words of encouragement girls!Some days are better than others, today I think I have been thinking about it all too much!  Once those invites can get mailed that'll be huge.  I really haven't enlisted anyone's help with anything mostly because I'm super anal about addressing my invites.  I have to do it or else I wouldn't be happy with anyone else's handwriting.  Sounds horrible but at least I'm aware of my tendencies!  Oy.JVeaux...we're on the same page then because my FI works second shift and I'm 8:30-5 so I'm pretty much on my own each evening.  Often times he doesn't even get home until I'm in bed (we live together too). 
  • budgetmamabudgetmama member
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    What do you need help with. Since my DD' wedding is over, I have loads of time on my hands. Can I help? And, FWIW - there were tons of things and DIY projects.....all the "special touches" that we talked about for months and were so excited about.....didn't get done because we opted to spend more time with all our OOT guests and friends. Our guests didn't know that we didn't get to make the reserved signs on the pews, the adorable directions map that was going in the OOT bags, or that we forgot to pick up the packets of Old Bay seasoning that we ordered from McCormick's that were supposed to go in the bags. Only my DD and I know that I spent hours doing the place cards in calligraphy (they were gorgeous too!) only to leave them at home and had to print them 1 hour before the start of the ceremony on the tiny little inkjet printer @ the MOG's house (they got married 2 hours from my house, so a 4 hour round trip to pick up the cards were out of the question). Only you will know what didn't get done. It was all over so fast - take time to enjoy the day and the start of your new life. And seriously, I will help!
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