
Rustic Chic Wedding Reception Location??

I have this idea in my head, that combines elegance with rustic.  Anyone have an ideas about where to hold the wedding/reception??I was going in a different direction, ie hotel wedding, because my guest list was so huge!  But FH and I cut it down tonight and now Im hoping I can find a place that has some real character!  Exposed wooden beams, etc.  Romantic, but rustic!  The wedding is in January, so, it has to be an indoor location.Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!LalaP.S. We cut it down from 250 to 188!  Sorry Great Aunt Betsy, you wouldnt have been able to stay awake that long anyways 0:)

Re: Rustic Chic Wedding Reception Location??

  • edited December 2011
    I'm not sure that they are "rustic", but try out some mansion type places. I'm getting married at Grey Rock Mansion in Pikesville, but there are a ton of other ones people on this board have used, I'm just drawing a blank right now. You could type in "historic mansion, md" into google or something.
  • edited December 2011
    Try paging daffodil_Jill either here or on P&E. Her venue was exactly as you described and her wedding was gorgeous. I'm drawing a blank on the name of the location but maybe someone will chime in with it! Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    Daffodil_Jill's Place is called Thorpewood - and yes, you need to check out her bio, it's absolutely beautiful
  • edited December 2011
    Thorpe Wood is beautiful, but the capacity may be an issue. Even a reduced list of 188 is still large for one of these cabin type places. Another Knottie, Tidetravel, had her wedding at the Lodge at Little Seneca and it sounds just like you're describing, but I'm pretty sure it only accomodates around 100.For mansions, I think Grey Rock can handle 200.

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  • edited December 2011
    Not sure how far you are willing to travel, but check out http://www.morningside-inn.comit's a renovated bank barn in frederick. the upper floor is for dinner. lower floor for ceremony/dancing....i think with the right decor it could be elegant/rustic :-)some of the pics online are a little outdated, but it is beautiful in person...GL!
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  • tidetraveltidetravel member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Seneca Creek would be perfect, but it's capacity for a social event like a dinner is 125.  If you can cut your list more, it would be perfect for you.  Pics in wedding bio.  Good Luck!
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    Maybe the barn at Boordy Vineyards?  I'm not sure what it looks like or what the capacity is, but I'm sure it would fit the rustic requirement, and I know that they do weddings!
  • edited December 2011 can do the other barn in columbia it holds 220
  • edited December 2011
    Our reception was at the Howard County Conservancy. Its rustic and has exposed beams.
  • tracy_ktracy_k member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Check out Chase Court in downtown Baltimore... beautiful setting, very affordable, and you can bring your own liquor (bonus!). I absolutely loved the look of the place by my fiance nixed it. Boo!Oh wait, they can only seat 125 for dinner. Darn!
  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    How about the Weinberg center at Camp Fretterd, I may have spelled that wrong but that would be the look you wanted.  I don't know how many it will accomodate but it isn't a small place.
  • edited December 2011
    Have you looked at Liberty Ski resort yet? They have a great location that is rustic with exposed beams etc, plus great views!
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  • edited December 2011
    Camp Letts in Edgewater.  Its a YMCA camp ground but you have to see the building to believe it.  It has exposed beams, plank floors two fireplaces on at each end of the room and three sides of glass walls that give a panaramic view of the Chesapeake Bay.  Google Camp Letts and you will get the contact information.  Plus I think this would work with the size of your guest list.  I PROMISE you will be blown away.
  • LaLasNikLaLasNik member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Oh my gosh girls!!!!  I was out of the country for a month and just got back online and was AMAZED by the helpful responses.  We decided to move our wedding from a winter wedding to a summer wedding.  So, that opens us up to outdoor options, as well.  But I have a lot of work to do to look through all those fabulous ideas you girls gave me!  Thank you thank you!!!!  You are all wonderful!!!  Who needs a wedding planner when you have all these amazingly helpful brides to give you ideas!!!XoXo,Lauren
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