
NWR: Real Estate Opinions

What do you all think... would it be stupid to consider buying a house in a *highly* desirable neighborhood with a light rail track running behind it? There are several others in the neighborhood with tracks behind them, and the house has every.single.thing that we want and is in our top choice neighborhood. But there are the tracks and that would be a resale problem whenever we decide to sell. Opinions please? FI and I have really struck out with real estate this summer, this might be the last house that we consider before the wedding, we are just not sure about it. Thanks ladies :-)

Re: NWR: Real Estate Opinions

  • edited December 2011
    I wouldn't want a house with a track of any kind running behind it... I wouldn't want to live there and I definitely wouldn't want to try to sell it later.There are things I would compromise on, but that's definitely not one of them.
  • edited December 2011
    We have a track (I think csx train) about 3 miles away and I wouldn't want it any closer. I can hear that sucker when it comes.
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    This particular track is for light rail trains, so they wouldn't be as loud as standard freight trains. I don't think that the noise would bother me so much, it's the resale issue that I'm most concerned about.
  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    I have to agree with pp. Were are you looking? My FI and I have two houses (his and mine) for sale in AA County. Mine is a TH, his a 4 BR single family.
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    We're actually looking in central Baltimore Co, thanks though!
  • edited December 2011
    I would't if you were planning on kids unless you feel like it's safe and there is no possible way they could end up on tracks...I mean if you are thinking about it before you buy so will the people you try to sell it to when you do go to sell but that's just my opinion...I think if you love the house and it's a great deal and can deal with the tracks (how visible are they?) I say don't let that stop you...someone may find it desireable...for example someone who uses the light rail for work and can walk!
  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    But on second thought, if the tracks don't bother YOU, then the only problem would be the resale. If you plan to stay there awhile, I wouldn't necessarily worry about resale value right now. But before making a decision I would research which train the tracks serve and get their schedule (I had to do this before and was able to find some online and others I had to call) to see how often it will affect you. If you can get the schedule I would try to sit in the neighborhood one time around when the train passes through to see for yourself how loud it is.
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    We're actually going to be there tonight to see and hear how bad it is or isn't. I know that of course it would be better to buy a house without a track behind it, but it's hard to just let it go b/c we have such a long list of things that we're looking for and this is the only house that we've found that has everything, and is in our favorite neighborhood to boot! Ugh. Stupid real estate! Lol, we'll see how it goes I guess. Thanks everyone for your opinions!
  • edited December 2011
    If thats the case then I say do a bit more research and then I think you are answering your question yourself., sounds like you found a great place
  • edited December 2011
    Also how close is the actual stop? That is another thing to consider. I did not want a stop near any of the areas I lived in (close enough to drive to if I wanted to use it, but not too close). Reason I ask is because I work near the Hunt Valley light rail station and the biggest complaint and uproar people around here have had since the station is the people traffic and types of people the light rail has been bringing out of the city...
  • tracy_ktracy_k member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I live quite close to train tracks, in the Forest Glen area of Silver Spring, and it doesn't bother me a bit even though I can certainly hear the train when I'm outside or when we have the windows open. I hardly even notice it anymore, and it's not like it wakes me up at night.Then again, I'm a bit odd in that I kinda *like* train noises, LOL. But -- it likely brings the price down, which means you can afford it easier, and which means that someone else could also afford it easier when it's time for you to sell it. I'm sure it will be a concern in resale, but if the place is good enough, someone else will be willing to compromise on the tracks the same way you were willing to when you bought it, if that makes any sense.Good luck!!
  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    If it is in a well desired neighborhood which it sounds like it is you still have help when it comes to resale.  I agree with the previous post about being close to stops, but for other reasons as well such as crime, growing up in Reisterstown the crime shot up when the metro came in. Towson/Timonium has had issues as well.Resale - Take if from someone who thought I would have no problem selling.  I have a waterfront home that has been for sale for basically two years, and it is a nice house.  You never know, just make sure you have room to grow if need be and if the train tracks won't bother you then I say go for it.Good Luck.    
  • edited December 2011
    Fi and I are looking at houses too, in city of Baltimore. You need to check and see how often the train goes by, if it's in the morning and slacks off around evening time (when people are going to work, leaving from work), it may not be that bad. You could also buy it as an investment property, so you really don't have resale to deal with. Remember, location, location, location.
  • edited December 2011
    Have you spoke with your agent about the issue? They may be able to tell you what they find to be the case...*someone mentioned they were selling in AACO...where? could you send me details??* *Someone else mentioned they were looking in Balt Co...we have a rowhome for sale/rent, let me know if you would like details..*
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