
Reception Order of Events

We will be having two speeches, both by groomsmen. Should the speeches go right before the blessing before dinner or later in the evening?

Re: Reception Order of Events

  • edited December 2011
    I would think before the blessing. That way after the speeches it would be blessing, and then dinner.
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  • gabbridegabbride member
    edited December 2011
    I'd say after the bleesing.  During my wedding, I had three courses and we had something in between each of the courses.  I think people liked that there was something to see while they were eating.
  • edited December 2011
    We did the speeches (we had 2), and then the blessing, and then dinner. I think it works out well to do them early because you have everyone's attention. If you wait until during or after dinner people might be distracted or scattered about.
  • keer38keer38 member
    edited December 2011
    I think it's nice for people to have something to listen to during dinner.  I would do it shortly after the blessing so that people aren't too into their conversations at the tables yet.
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