
Wedding Gifts

For all you girls that are married, how many actual wrapped gifts did you receive at your wedding? Personally I have never taken a wrapped gift, only a card with $ in it, to weddings I've been to and I have given a gift at the shower. But I'm trying to figure out who will transport what after the reception since FI and I are leaving first thing the next AM for the airport. We have tons of things that need to be taken home so I need to plan this all our ahead of time and assign people responsibilities :)

Re: Wedding Gifts

  • KCnBTKCnBT member
    edited December 2011
    We had probably 20 wrapped gifts and about 105 wedding guests. I had one family bring everything home for us since it would not have all fit in one car, including wedding dress, decor, tuxes, etc.
  • edited December 2011
    We had a very small wedding, only about 35 guests. About six of those brought wrapped gifts. The rest brought cards.
  • edited December 2011
    We had about 10 wrapped gifts, with 125 guests.
  • edited December 2011
    We had only 2 or 3 wrapped gifts at the wedding and many cards. We had planned ahead to have my parents and BIL & FSIL pack up any gifts or whatever from the reception into their cars.

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  • edited December 2011
    We probably had 10-15 wrapped gifts out of 125 guests.  We told Heidi (DOC) to pack it all up in my parents minivan and they took them for us since we headed right to a hotel at the airport.  If you don't have a DOC its a good idea to make a list of everything you want to take with you and put someone in charge of the whole list!

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  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies!!
  • edited December 2011
    Oddly we were just having a conversation about this at work and it seems that depending on where you're from it's different.  Where I grew up in TX, almost everyone brings a gift and only people who are VERY close to you will give you money (and usually they still get you a gift).  Because of this, I am immensely uncomfortable giving people money.However it seems that around here most people give money, so go with the other girls' posts.  Our venue makes us pick someone to be 'in charge' of the gifts, it didn't occur to me that it might be more than one car-full.
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  • 2have2hold2have2hold member
    edited December 2011
    We had about 20 wrapped gifts. Our venue had a table set aside for the gifts and at the end of the night our DOC took them to our room.
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