
Disappointed - NWR

I got a contract on my house and it was low so I countered and they came back and said they weren't going to go any higher than their offer.  I hate getting my hopes up but I couldn't help it, FI and I have two mortgages right now and we just really can't save or do anything.  Such a let down.

Re: Disappointed - NWR

  • bejeweledonebejeweledone member
    edited December 2011
    Oh Beth, I'm sorry :(   I was hoping for you!  I'd but your place if I were in the market I love it!!  Did you post your place on the boards for baltimore sports and social club??Good luck!
  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    I didn't I think I am just going to rent it our or post it up at the military base.  I think this person was looking to buy a 2nd home so they could easily walk away. :(
  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    Wow, FI and I are in the exact same boat as you. His house has been listed for 1.5 YEARS and mine for about 9 months. Honestly, we got an offer on his house a month after we listed it and they low balled us by a lot so we countered and they didn't accept but knowing what we know now, we would have taken that in a second. We have lowered the price so much now we are under what they had offered us over a year ago! It's crazy. As for my house, I bought in 2005 when prices were very high and I can't afford to lose more than a few thousand so we just can't afford to go much lower than list price. It's so frustrating but I TOTALLY feel for you!! Hang in there :)
  • 2have2hold2have2hold member
    edited December 2011
    so sorry to hear that! Hopefully something good will come around. DH and I will be putting our house on the market early spring of next year and I'm already getting a little anxious. Being a buyer's market, I can only hope we break even. Goodluck!
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