

Random, funny story.  We were at my parent's house on Saturday and my sister was playing on FB.  She yells to me from the other room, "I have a friend request from *SK*, who is that?"  I had to explain that it was your married name and we've known you forever.  She just laughed and then realized it was you when she saw your picture.  It was very funny.  Just thought you'd enjoy that.

Re: **SK**

  • edited December 2011
    Haha, yeah when I requested her I thought, should I add a note since she won't know my married name? Nah, she'll recognize my picture (probably) or she'll be able to figure it out by looking at my friends :)So are you ready to be an aunt?? When is she due? I'm always so excited when I see people from high school who are pregnant because I just can't believe we're *there* already, haha.PS: You should hop over to the Nest - there are tons of former Knotties over there ;)

    BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w -- BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w -- BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d -- BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Decorate This
  • edited December 2011
    I'm slowly getting into 'aunt' mode.  I have a couple of's crazy!  I can't believe we're 'there' either.  I feel like I just graduated. I'll check out you Nesties...I've never been over there before.
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