My bridal shower is a few weeks away. In my family, the average size bridal shower is between 50 and 100 people, although I've been to some as small as 40 and as large as 350 people. The hosts are expecting around 75 people for mine. I've always been bored when the bride takes her sweet time to open up every single present- with such large guests lists it can take up over two hours' worth of time. I personally would rather not open gifts at the shower so my guests don't get bored and we can spend time doing other things.
I might get some slack for this- I know it's "proper" to open your gifts at the shower or else "what's the point?" But is ok to bypass opening when there's a large guest list? For me the point of a shower is, yes, of course, to help us with things we need to our married life, but more importantly to spend time with and enjoy the company of important people in your life. Sorry it's so long, but I need some advice. And my mom's "You don't have to if you don't want to" doesn't help reassure me. TIA!