

  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011
    -Bridal party is all selected (well still need to ask the RB (parents) but that's it)
    -We are narrowing down the HM destination contenders

    -I've lost 9.2# on WW so far, hope to get my 10# star this week!
    -My mom flies in tonight!
    -FI & I are going to the Guy Fieri's Roadshow show at the Masonic tomorrow!
    -I succeeded in getting FRONT ROW tickets for John Mayer in Feb.
    -15 days until our cruise to the Bahamas!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image
    TTC #1 since 8/2010...2 years, 6 IUI's and 1 m/c later...
    08/2012 IVF #1, 2 5-day blasts transferred 8/19 = BFP! Beta 1 (8/28)=241, Beta 2 (8/30)=457, Beta 3 (9/5)=3,813, u/s 9/13=Twins!, u/s 9/21=Surprise...there's one more! TRIPLETS!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Invitation envelopes are all addressed.

    Maps are cut and folded.

    Response cards are almost completed (I am filling them out myself, as a not-so-subtle way of saying "your kids are NOT invited!) and I will get postage for them this week.

    Shower invitations are about 90% done - MOH and I will finish them Sunday then she is mailing them out about 5 days before Christmas!!!

    3 things have been bought off my registry.

    NWR: Christmas shopping is done!!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • edited December 2011

    WR- My shoes, jewelry, final draft of invites and engagement pictures get delivered this week!

    NWR- My FI just got excepted into the MBA program!!!! And I have the next 2 days off =)
  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Going to FILs tonight for dinner and to FINALIZE guest list!  Then I can start STDs.
    Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Jacks21583Jacks21583 member
    edited December 2011
    WR AW: Reserved new hotel block, and cancelled old one; Scheduling hair and makeup timeline for day of; all BMs are measured and have put down deposits; picked out Tuxedos; halfway done with invitation wording; going to finish registering this weekend

    NWR AW: The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a decision on a case we had lost last year, so my perfect record in trials is still intact. A new trial has been ordered so I will probably be back in Portland (which is such a cool city).
  • catstoy73catstoy73 member
    edited December 2011

    DH surprised me last week. Since we don't have the extra $$ for me to go to school full time next semester, he had me check out 3 classes I really want to take and get all info for them. That night he & I talked about the classes and told me to sign up for 1 class. I will be taking 1 class next semester! It's an early CHristmas present in my book. Yay!

  • edited December 2011
    My dress came in!  I can't wait to try it on again. Laughing
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    97 my bffsimage 30 dead to meimage 1 in limboimage
  • edited December 2011
    Oh yeah, forgot FI and I are going Saturday to get his ring and pick out the tuxes. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • edited December 2011

    -STD's have been ordered and I am anxiously awaiting them. Our Christmas cards are ready to go, I just need to stuff them with the STDs!
    -I ordered part of my BM gifts yesterday. Theknot.com has totes 75% off!

    -School is done for a month!
    -I'm baking Christmas cookies with my mom this weekend :)
    -I'm finally starting to feel better. For almost a week I felt like death.

  • efabianefabian member
    edited December 2011
    • I found a wedding band for myself at Kohls on Black Friday. It's gorgeous, looks just like my e-ring and was on SUPER SALE!
    • I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off to work on the invitations for the wedding.
    • We are FINALLY meeting with Brendan of Best DJ to see if we are going to hire him. I know we want to, but I felt funny hiring someone I've never met...
    • We put an offer in on a condo... not sure if we're going to get it though.
  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    • Taking a much needed vacation day tomorrow.
    • Christmas shopping is almost done. I have Kohls cash to spend and a 15% shopping pass to use. Hopefully I finish everything tonight.

    • Our e-pics will be ready tomorrow!! Now I can work on our save the dates.
    There is no death. Only a change of worlds
    life | home
  • edited December 2011

    NWR - I got almost all of our Christmas presents wrapped and ready to go - I hate doing them at the last minute!

    WR - I went and tried my dress on again (lost 5 lb's since last time, and ordered my Hoop Skirt, Bra and Underwear (very nice Lingerie) to go under it! :)

  • edited December 2011
    The ladies picked a dress. That's it. Blah.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Church and reception hall - Check
    Photographer - Check
    Room block - Check

    Getting dressed up with FI and going to a Christmas concert this weekend
    U2 Tix came in the mail today!
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