

Are you trying out St. Matthew on Sunday?  I'll meet you there if you'd like?

Re: *~*sheshe~*~

  • sheshedukeshesheduke member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Nope my FI wants to go since he thinks it is going to end up being the one so I am checking out a friends church for us to just fins a church to go to after the wedding. But thanks fior offering :)
  • edited December 2011
    Oh! Cool! You're welcome for the offer. Anytime. :)
    So you do think you're going to go with St. Matthew for the wedding? Or am I confused now?
  • sheshedukeshesheduke member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    That is what I am thinking. FI wants to see the inside to be 100% sure I told him the location and he was all about it.

    Fast forward 7 Hours and I just talked to him and he now wants to find a church that we can become members of in order to have our wedding there. This man ins confusing me and ai just want to get some of these major vendors and aspects of the wedding completed. Yes we need a home church dont get me wrong he is just throwing all kinds of hiccups into my game plan. :( So confused :(
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