

I've never had a bikini wax but am thinking about it for the wedding/honeymoon.  Sooo...1.  Where do you recommend (I live in Canton but would drive to surrounding areas)2.  What is an estimated price?3. How bad does it hurt on a scale of 1-10 hahah4.  How long does the hair need to be...?5. Brazillian or no?6.  How far in advance should I get it done? (My wedding is August 15...exactly 4 weeks from today and HM is for the week after wedding)I know I can always count on you ladies for some direction and good recommendations! I know I won't get a good resonse over the weekend but any help would be fabulous...TIA! :)
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Re: Waxing?'s

  • edited December 2011
    1.  I don't really have a recomendation, i am far east side2.  For a straight bikini, around 25-403.  I've had a bikini, brazilian and laser.  For just a bikini I'd say a 7-8, a brazilian...oh lord a 10 ( but it's quick!)4.  1/2 inch, sometimes I can do a tiny bit shorter5.  YUP!  You might as well!6.  I'd go a week before...some places will say 2 but then you have to worry about regrowth from hairs that were not in the active phase and not waxed. 
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks again ladies!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
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