
Bridal Shower gifts

What did you get your hosts for your bridal shower? It is my mom and FMIL. We didn't do engagement photos so I can't do a book or anything. I was thinking of getting my mom tiger's tickets b/c she is a huge baseball fan but I am stumped for my FMIL. Any suggestions would be great! :-)
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Re: Bridal Shower gifts

  • zawa0915zawa0915 member
    edited December 2011
    i had a shower hosted by both my FMILs (one is a step) and got them both really nice hanging baskets of flowers + a pretty hanging glass votive since they both like to spend time outside during the summer. i thing tigers tix is a really nice gift!does your FMIL like to eat out? maybe a modest gift cert to one of her fav places?i agree it is tough to come up with these!
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  • edited December 2011
    I got my mom tigers tickets. I got my MOH a pandora charm for her braclet. FMIL I think I am going to get her a dinner gift certificate, or a gift certificate to spa (massage/mani/pedi), but I am having trouble too!GL
  • eclipsethecateclipsethecat member
    edited December 2011
    I gave my hosts potted plants that they could also plant outside in their gardens.
  • edited December 2011
    i am giving my stepmom a scrapbook "tote" ...she loooves to scrapbook and it's a carry-all so that she can take her bedazzled paper on the go!
  • edited December 2011
    Our hostesses were our parents (I had the dads and groomsmen attend the shower). We got the parents a book of our engagement photos and a personalized address stamp from expressionery.com. They loved them!
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  • edited December 2011
    Is FMIL a wine drinker?  You could get a really nice bottle of wine and some wine "trinkets" - those wine glass charms, wine stopper (i think that's what they're called, lol), coasters etc.  You could do the same thing with coffee if she's not a wine drinker.  Nice coffee, a mug, maybe coffee gift card?
  • jessimaphonejessimaphone member
    edited December 2011
    We're getting two people spa gift certificates, one person a gift cert to her fave restaurant, then some little things for people who aren't necessarily hosts but put a lot of work in.... I love the Tigers ticket idea. Wine is another great suggestion.
  • edited December 2011
    My sisters and FMIL are throwing mine, but since my sisters are only 17 and 19 it's really my mom and FMIL. What I decided to do (shopping tomorrow, shower is next sunday) is make my mom and FMIL bags that say "Hope your next shower is filled with as much sweetness and love as mine was" and put a robe, candles, set from bath and body works in there. For my sisters I"m getting them a flower arrangement.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the great ideas ladies! FMIL loves wine so I think I will get her a few bottles of wine, wine glass charms, and maybe some other fun stuff to entertain with because they entertain alot at their house.
    Trying for #1 since 5/2010
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  • moeoscarmoeoscar member
    edited December 2011
    Nothing, I wrote a nice thank you card afterward though.
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