

Hi there, I was looking over your vendor reviews, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to share contact information for your hair and make up ladies. My wedding's in Lansing, so Michelle would be perfect, and I thought your makeup looked great too! My e-mail is phill369 at msu dot edu, or you can just reply to this message! Thanks! P.S. I loved your cake, I saved the pic! :)
~Bethany My Bio! Visit Lansing.Weddings.com image
9.10 Siggy Challenge: Fave Pic of FI & I. There are lots, but this one's good! :)image

Re: **mumegs**

  • edited December 2011
    I'll send you an email with Michelle's info, but my makeup girl unfortunately moved to Florida so she can't do makeup anymore. I should probably change that info in there!
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