
Registry warnings!

FI and I registered at Kohls and BB&B and I'm upset with both of them...Kohls: We got MANY duplicate items... 3 complete bath sets, 4 of the same picture frame, 5 pillows, etc. Our registry only showed that we got 1 of each item. When we returned our duplicates, they took it off our registry so now it shows that we got 0 of all these items (toothbrush holder, soap dish, etc) everything! Then, they only offered store credit which sucks because everything else off our registry was bought. Now we have over $300 in store credit. UGH! BB&Beyond:Similar story. Many duplicates. I understand that my guests may not have told them about the registry and just purchased it, but same thing... now it shows I have "0" purchased. (Not that big of a deal) but when I asked the lady, she was VERY RUDE! and told me just delete those items off my registry. (which I did... not a big deal, but her attitude was!)I was so upset by her that I accidentally left my exchanges behind the counter. DOH! I called to see if it was still there and they connected me to the manager. I asked him what was the difference between returning things on a registry and returning duplicate bday gifts and he said, "Well, without a registry, we'd give you store credit." Um... that's what you did!!! He said, "Well, of course we like to give you store credit so you spend it in the store." I asked if it was there policy to give credit or offer cash back and he paused for a few moments before saying, "Its our policy to give store credit at all times." Liar!So basically, if you have to return duplicates, don't tell them its from your registry... it'll be much easier.

Re: Registry warnings!

  • edited December 2011
    Oh that's just effing grand.  We were going to register at those 2 places too.  Although I was thinking more along the lines of skipping BBB and just doing Kohl's, then registering at Macy's Travel for some honeymoon activities and restaurants.
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  • edited December 2011
    That is really bizarre about BB&B. Anything I returned from our registry, including duplicates, I got cash back. Maybe it was just that store. I would maybe call again or talk to their main customer service number.
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  • ksunquestksunquest member
    Tenth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I also had a terrible time at BB&B. Basically, if I didn't have a gift receipt (or reg receipt), they gave me store credit, even if it was ON my registry. I also had the dumbest cashier ever
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  • edited December 2011
    With BBB, they gave me store credit if it wasnt on my registry or cash if it was. They told me they can only give cash if it's on the registry because they can tell if people used the coupons or not. When I was registering though, I saw a couple get in a fight with one of the cashiers over this... basically I'd just be like listen, I've done it before & had no problem!
  • edited December 2011
    These were all things that were ON my registry!!!
  • eclipsethecateclipsethecat member
    edited December 2011
    Could you try a different BBB? Or is it too late? We had a fantastic time at the BBB in Grand Rapids- they let us return things with or without receipts and things that weren't on our registry. They also let us use the 20% off coupon for whatever we wanted (not just things on our registry.) It was good for them too because we ended up buying stuff that we needed but that wasnt on our registry.
  • edited December 2011
    Which BBB did you guys go too? I am registered there too and I always thought the policy was cash back if it is on your registry. That is really messed up.
    Trying for #1 since 5/2010
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  • edited December 2011
    BBB just changed their policy.  We got a bizarre gift from BBB at our wedding and went to return and I guess they no longer do cash back because girls would return their entire registry.  I actually did witness this one day....a girl with 4 carts of inexpensive gifts returning them all for big ticket items.  I explained I signed up before March when they made the change and got cash back.
  • edited December 2011
    I have made two returns---both on my registry.One was a hassle and the item showed that it $85.00 online, and the women handed me back $42.49 store credit. When I inquired about if there was a sale, and asked to see more information, as well as why I was receiving store credit--she called a manager over and asked him to deal with me....ha like I was causing such a problem trying to figure out what happened? Some of their associates are pains...The other the lady just handed me cash back no questions asked.Both at the same store....
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