
HELP! Wedding is on Saturday!

Hi ladies!  I have an issue!  I order our moms some hankies as a gift.  I found out last night that they were never shipped.  :(  Does anyone know where you can get a ladies handkerchief in this city?!  I stayed up all night last night looking, but with no success.  Please help!

Re: HELP! Wedding is on Saturday!

  • edited December 2011
    Are you trying to have it embroidered as well? Or are you just looking for the hankies?

    Although I live out of state, I did see some at Hobby Lobby. What about trying some of the speciality/gift shops?  I am trying to think of some for you, but it is not coming right now...
  • edited December 2011
    There's a little kiosk at Polaris Mall called Punch Me Now or something like that that does embroidery. I don't think they have handkerchiefs and I would say ask them first to make sure they can do it, but then you could buy cheap ones at JC Penney or Sears or something and have them embroider it. (They normally do baby onesis, bibs, ball hats, etc.)

    I think there might have been something similar at Easton at one time, but I'm not sure anymore.

    Wherever you ordered them from can't ship them to you overnight??
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with the pp -- why can't the people that you ordered it from ship it to you overnight at their expense since they never shipped it as promised?

    In any case -- kiosks at all the major malls have people that do embroidery -- I know for sure I've seen it at Polaris as pp said (upstairs, out in front of Sears maybe?).  Plain handkerchiefs are probably sold in the department stores in those malls as well, so I think your best bet is to try to find plain ones and take them in for "while you wait" embroidery at one of those kiosks -- it may be pricier than you were hoping, but at least you get it on time!  

    Best of luck!
  • SarahM2012SarahM2012 member
    edited December 2011

    I would look at Mens Warehouse.  If you check out their website look under pocket silks. 

  • Brit12Brit12 member
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    sometimes bridal stores carry the handkercheifs already embroidered with "mother" and a little saying or something. you might want to call around to the area bridal stores.
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