
FI Choosing a Best Man - Funny Story

So my FI has not chosen a Best Man yet.  He is torn between his two closest friends who he has known since High School.  He relates to both of them, but in different ways.  So when it came down to asking the boys to be part of our wedding party, he tells them that since he can't choose between the two, he wants them to draw straws and the one with the shorter stick will be his best man.

Typical guy right?  Oh but it get's better!  When he said that to the two of them, one of them said "No way, let's make this a game of skill - Buck Hunter Contest.  2 drink minimum.  Best score is the Best man"

For those of you that do not know what Buck Hunter is, it's basicially an arcade game (typically found in bars) where you shoot deer.  Your score is based on your shot and the size of the deer. 

So yes . . .our best man will be the one who shoots the best at this game!

BOYS!  Tongue out

Hope that gave you all a giggle! 

Happy Tuesday!
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Re: FI Choosing a Best Man - Funny Story

  • edited December 2011
    That is a funny story! But why not have two best men? FI wanted that and I had no problem having a matron and a maid of honor. Just a thought.

    But then again, that would ruin the Buck Hunter contest!Smile
  • edited December 2011
    They are seriously crazy!  Why can't someone just decide?!  :)
  • edited December 2011
    I know Brooke . .I know . . .I really think that they are looking forward to the contest than the actually assignment of "Best Man"

    Corinne2010 - As much as it would make things easy, that mean I have to choose a matron of honor, and I would be in the saem boat as my FI now.  I can't choose between the other two bridesmaids because I'm close to them, but in different ways.  Plus my sister ROCKS!  I want her to stand out.
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  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    FI is having both of his brothers as Best Men.  I am having my sister as Matron of Honor.  Doesn't matter that its not balanced.
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  • edited December 2011
    This made me giggle - such a typically guy thing and you're probably right about them looking forward to the contest more than the title.

    Let them have their game and winner, its a cute story and a great way to start off the Best Man speech!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I was shocked they didn't play Buck Hunter on Friday.  Actually, as I typed that I realized that Ryan had a little too much by the time Chris got to the bar.  :)
  • emarston1emarston1 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    haha I love it!  thanks for sharing.  It reminds me a little of that scene in the Wedding Singer where he makes his brother go through the driving course with the cones.

    "You hit two cones back there.  Those could have been guests at her wedding."
    "They were CONES!"

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