
Doing a registry to feel better?

Fi and I are getting married in Sept. Our shower will be in June. I have been SO extremely stressed up that it's affect my health (mental and physical) and it's mostly due to my job and money. Unfortunately quitting the job would increase the stress level with money. =(

I am in need of some shopping therapy...but we don't have the extra cash.

Is it completely absord to go create our registry now for that extra moment of stress relief and glee? If anything is discontinued or we pick something up we can always delete it...and add things later on.

Re: Doing a registry to feel better?

  • edited December 2011
    No, it's not completely absurd.  Sounds kind of fun actually. :)  And you need those moments of fun in the wedding planning process to keep yourself sane!  This is supposed to be a blissful time, so do what you need to do to keep it that way.  It could actually be useful if people want to get you Christmas gifts. 

    I guess my only concern would be if you register for a set of something or coordinating items that are sold separately, and someone buys something from that set and then it gets discontinued before you wedding, then you wouldn't get the full matching set that you wanted. 
  • edited December 2011
    Do whatever you gotta do! You guys did just buy a house so you are probably strapped for cash. Just don't go blow through that 8K in a month or two like I did :) That should help with some money probelms, no?
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry, just had an after thought...what about holding off on the registry, but starting to make a list and doing some online window shopping to make you feel better?  I kind of love putting together my Christmas wish list, even including items I know no one will buy for me, for this exact reason.  You still get the fun of looking and lusting after stuff, but no concerns about stuff getting discontinued.  I've already starting compiling a wedding registry wish list even though I don't plan to register for months yet.  ;)
  • edited December 2011
    Not absurd at all.  That's when I did my first registry was for some retail therepy when I had no one to buy anything.  You don't even have to tell anyone you did it and you can go in and change it before you send out your shower stuff.  Go for it!  It really helped me that day.  
    Photobucket Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks guys. I think maybe Fi and I will head to BBB tonight and just do a little one.
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