
Wedding Planner offered me a job.

So last spring I interned with a wedding planner, Laura Davis Events, and really enjoyed it (this ended before I ever even found the Knot boards.) I am using Laura as the DOC for my wedding. In my current job at an automotive supplier a good portion of my time is spent with large scale business event planning.
So last week Laura offered me a job as an event coordinator with her company, coordinating weddings for the Frosted Pink Events division. I have chosen to accept this position, and am very excited. But in the interest of full disclosure I wanted to let everyone know, so if someone hires us it doesn't seem that I am hiding anything.
As long as its okay with everyone I would love to continue posting as I get ready for my wedding (less than two months!!). I will of course no longer post about my wedding planner nor recommend the company when people ask.
Is this okay with everyone??

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