
6 lbs

Ahhh I weighed myself this morning and I am UP 6 lbs from last week.WTF! And I have been working out like crazy,and pretty much eating well except for my dump cake I ate last night,and 3 cookie doughs.UGH this better be water weight.How do I get this water weight off?

Re: 6 lbs

  • becandjim10becandjim10 member
    edited December 2011

    lasix lol (just kidding)

    Certain times of the month women hold water because they will soon lose other fluids (wink)

    Also, lower your amount of sodium because it causes water retention.

    Hope that helps. Goodluck!!

    -whats dump cake??

  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011

    ditto PP. It's probably mostly normal water retention due to a visitor coming soon??? (get it?) lol

    Reduce your sodium intake as well, that will help.

    Mmmm...dump cake!

    Try not to get too down on yourself. Just be conscious of your sodium intake and drink lots of water (sounds silly but it works to flush out your system) and that should help.

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  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I am guessing that if you ate a lot last night, a couple pounds may be attributed to that.  My weight can fluctuate a couple pounds throughout the day depending on how much I eat.

    Also, if you just started working out, it could be attributed to losing fat and gaining muscle.

    I wouldn't obsess over the scale, focus more on how your clothes are fitting you.  Also, for weighing, don't step on the scale every day.  Pick one day a week to weigh yourself and weigh in on that day, at the same time, so you get a consistent reading.
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  • jodyk23jodyk23 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I just read the recipe for dump cake on allrecipes.com (http://allrecipes.com/recipe/dump-cake-i/Detail.aspx). Sounds yummy!

    Maybe it's 'cause you're gaining muscle?
  • edited December 2011
    I thought it was WHEN your visitor came,then maybe thats why.

    I only drink water,I take a big 64 oz water bottle to work,and I cant go 15 minutes without drinking water,(seriously)Im a water nut.

    And unless sodium is hidden in my food I dont add any to meals or eat anything out of a can,or nothing that is a frozen packaged meal.

    Ugh so frustrating.

    Dump cake is...this is so bad....and I just said I dont eat anythinhg out of a can,lol (I really dont  except for this lol)

    In a pyrex dish layer
    1 can of cherry pie filling
    1 can of crushed pineapple
    1 box of dry cake mix,vanilla
    1 stick of butter(slice butter into pads and set on top of cake mix)
    sprinkle nuts on top,I use almonds
    bake at 350 for 1 hr
    and its done,it is the best dessert to make when you dont have a lot fo time,it only takes about 5 minutes to put together.And people request me to make it all the time!
  • edited December 2011

    If you've been losing & this isn't your first week, it's not water weight. Sorry.

    Have you been writing down what you eat? You said you've been working out like crazy...what does that mean? What are you doing? A few things could be going on here....you might not be eating enough if you're working out like a madwoman. If you're not eating enough, your body will store it as fat for survival. So...when you indulge like you did last night, that can explain the jump.

    And again....it's not muscle gain unless you are doing benching 250.

    The BEST thing you can do is to plan your meals ahead & WRITE down every  piece of food you eat. Write down what exercises you're doing & how long too.

  • edited December 2011
    BTW...I used to be a weight loss consultant. I saw this stuff happen a lot.
  • edited December 2011
    Keep in mind, your weight may be +/- 5 lbs at any given point based on how much you've eaten and drank throughout the day.

    Also, even if you're losing fat and gaining muscle - muscle doesn't weigh more than fat - 1 lb of either is still 1 lb on the scale.

    If you've been working out more than usual, perhaps you're also eating more. I know  the more I exercise the more I eat. People have a stronge tendency to eat more than they realize and overestimate the amount of calories they burn doing exercise.

    Keep a log of everything you eat/drink from morning til night as well as a log of how much and what exercises you've been doing. Tally up at the end of the day the number of calories taken in and how many put out, keep in mind your body will burn about 1200 or more (depending on your size, gender, etc) just functioning (ie heart beating, lungs breathing).
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  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011
    "it's not muscle gain unless you are doing benching 250"

    This made me laugh...only because I was working out alongside FI and his training partner yesterday and I was doing bench presses and Greg (IF's training partner) who's acting as my trainer says "Throw 250 on there and you gimme 10!"  I looked at him and said "I'll throw 250 at you and you gimme a cupcake!" 
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  • becandjim10becandjim10 member
    edited December 2011

    Oh by the way coffee is a natural diuretic so if you drink some it can help you pee out some of the extra water your holding. Just a thought...

  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies for the tips!

    Mo-I am working out 6 days a week,dont you read my FB status's?lol Mon,Wed,Fri I do weight training, Tues,Thurs,&Sat I jog about 2 miles, some days walk/run(whatever it tells me to do) I am also doing body-for-life I guess except for my induglence last night,dang it.grr, maybe it just need to get this food and water out of me.Its just frustrating. Where did you do your consulting?

    Kim-lol thats funny
    Bec-I dont like coffee but now you got the right idea lol
  • edited December 2011
    I don't really know what body-for-life is. Are you eating less than 1200 calories? Honestly, you might need 1500 to keep the WL going & not plateauing. Also, are you challenging yourself w/ the weights? How long do you weight train? Sometimes you have to mix it up a little too, especially w/ cardio. Do you wear a heart rate monitor? That'll tell you what you're burning. I love mine!

    Don't beat yourself up over it. Learn from it and move on. Otherwise it will hurt your motivation. I totally understand your frustration, but it's not going to do any good if you let it get to you. Let this remind you how every decision you make has an impact on your success.

    I used to work for Jenny Craig.

    I also just read my typo about weight training in my other post. I meant to delete 'doing' when I put in 'benching'. grrr. I hate when I don't catch my own typos!
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