
Wedding Slump

So I think I have hit my wedding slump.Where I just don't feel like talking,planning,or really doing anything wedding related.Which is probably why I haven't been on here much.

I think it's because we are doing everything as cheap as we want,and I still have no idea how we are going to pay for it :(
I also still need to book vendors but am being too lazy to actually book them.

Anyone else feeling this way?Or been through this?When will I snap out of it?Soon I hope.

Re: Wedding Slump

  • edited December 2011
    I am completely with you. I think about the wedding a lot but I know we can't book any more vendors until we pay some off. Planning a wedding is just difficult for me anyways because I get anxiety when ever a project isn't done. It's stupid but having my money out there for flowers but not having them yet worries me for no good reason! When I pay for something I want it right away, not a year from now! So it's all very odd feeling for me.

    I have all kind of DIY projects in various stages that I don't even feel like finishing (which is odd because of what I said above about unfinished projects!). I was so on top of things at first and just wore myself out. Either that or I'm now moving at a more normal pace and it just feels slow.

    I always feel like I should be doing something but I'm so lazy lately!
  • edited December 2011
    I hit it about two months ago. We dont even have all our major vendors picked/booked yet. We don't have the money for the deposits right now and like PP said, I don't wanna book more without paying off a couple...which we don't have money to do right now.

    Maybe next month (if we close on our house) things will be different.
  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011
    I feel ya...I was in the slump too. I am starting to snap out of it though. Now that I'm under 1 year, and have picked and asked the whole bridal party, things are starting to feel more "real" and falling into place. We're easing into booking more vendors like flowers, dj, etc. Money is tight for us right now too but we're doing what we can with what we have right now. I think you'll snap out of it. It could be partly due to the holidays too. The holidays always put a lot of pressure on people financially and that could be impacting the way you feel about the wedding, it's a stressful time. Take some time off from planning and just chill through the holidays and after it's all over start back up again, you'll probably feel much better.
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  • edited December 2011
    Don't try to do too much at once because you do start to feel burned out and unmotivated. now that your'e in a slump, take some time off from wedding planning and you will feel better.
  • edited December 2011
    I totally understand. I'm in a slump myself. I haven't been on TK that much lately either. It's been tough because like you, we can't afford all the stuff we really want to have, so its like I've just have not been doing much because it just gets me stressed out.

    Since we are doing destination, we are really trying to keep everything simple, but its hard not wanting to do all the little extras that I know our guests would enjoy.

    Like the pp suggested, I'm just really easing up on all the wedding stuff until after holidays are over.
  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Ditto PPs -- I am in a slump because everything else seems so crazy with the holidays.  Family get togethers, errands to run, etc etc. 

    When January comes, I am going to start getting some more vendors booked.
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  • efabianefabian member
    edited December 2011
    House hunting as put me into a BIG slump. I just really don't want to think about anything besides trying to find a house. I feel like we're going to run out of time for both finding a home and wedding planning.

    I am going to get myself back into the wedding mood this weekend. I took tomorrow afternoon off so I can start working on my invitations (i have even STARTED!!!!!!!), Saturday I'm taking some "me" time by going to get my hair highlighted and trimmed... hopefully that will help me relax and get back into the planning mode.
  • edited December 2011
    Phew! I thought it was just me! I just took an anti-depressant because I'm sitting here tearing up because there is so much to do and so little time! We just got engaged in September, and we're getting married in May, so I don't have a whole lot of time to waste. Not to mention FI is moving in with me next week and I'm still having mixed feelings because I've lived by myself for ELEVEN YEARS! I'm stressing out about finding a photographer, because we're trying to keep it under $2k, and that seems to be next to impossible (darn you Amanda Williams for being booked!). I'm freaked out about all the money we're spending, and not having enough to get the things I really want or settling for a cheap photographer and hating my pics. I'm just not even enjoying it anymore, but I'm afraid to wait until after the holidays, because what if everyone's prices jack up??? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

    I feel a little better now. <Sniff />
  • ms nobodyms nobody member
    edited December 2011
    i've pretty much felt that way ever since i hit one year. i have no real desire to get this wedding going. i think mostly out of fear about money and how we're going to pay for it.  i just can't stand the thought of booking/buying stuff when i'm concerned about how i'm gonna pay for the things i've already committed. (not that i can't ultimately pay for it all)
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  • edited December 2011
    Wow I feel a lot better ladies,I am glad I am not the only one.I know everyone has these money worries,but it all seems to work itself out!
    Like I really wanted to get STD's out for holiday cards and still havent done that:(So maybe I should get on that?Or just say screw getting them out for Christmas?There is always New Years cards,right? lol
  • edited December 2011
    I feel the same way. When people ask me about the wedding its like the worst question ever. I just want it to be here and to enjoy the day and go on our honeymoon.

    Long engagement = bleh.
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