
I am so over today. Mini-rant

I'm cranky today. I need to get it out before I take my stank mood home to FI.

I am sooooooo tired of.....
Idiots at work who are lazy-a$$ punks.
FI that doesn't listen and messes up one of the only two tasks he's been assigned.
Mom trying to slip people on the guest list- I've given in 3 times, but FI's mom and dad got NO input on the list- I shut her down today saying we were over capacity (which we are) and I didn't feel bad about it for once!

I just want to go home and drink.

End mini-rant.

Thank you- I feel better now.

Re: I am so over today. Mini-rant

  • terbear_86terbear_86 member
    edited December 2011
    *handing over the bottle of wine*

    Tell FI he can do the dishes for a week for messing up his task. ( Was this the photographer?)

  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Ter! Hugs to you- I've got nothing on what you are going through, so I'll happily share the vino. :)

    It was the photographer- I told him to shell out the $200 for 2 extra hours we wanted and now he's saying he got the regular contract and he'll deal with the extra 2 hours day-of if need be. You know, because as the groom he'll have nothing else to do! Ugh.
  • edited December 2011
    LOL, I hear you!  I put FI in charge of two things also: music and the honeymoon.  Neither one are even close to being done.  I got really upset with him about the music situation this weekend, since that has been my next top priority ever since we booked our photographer...in NOVEMBER!  He finally got started doing research on it this weekend, so hopefully that will be resolved soon.  15 minutes left, then go home and have a stiff one! :)
  • becandjim10becandjim10 member
    edited December 2011
    theres only 1 real punishment.........

    no food for a week lol Dishes and sex dont bug them...its the food that will break their spirit lol

    Margaritas all around.
  • edited December 2011
    A nice glass of wine sounds sooo good right now.

    I just had my 2nd day at work, and they really want me jumping in and running, so it was a crazy busy day (I'm sure it will get less crazy feeling once I find my feet). And FI is basically a bum right now since he's not in classes till the summer and doesn't work much right now (hours got cut), and I STILL came home to a trashed apartment... bah!
  • ms nobodyms nobody member
    edited December 2011
    what i love is that when FI's wedding tasks dont get done (aka his and the GMs effing clothing, and emailing them to give them info) ME, I, THE NOBS GETS BLAMED. 

    WTF IS THAT SH!T?!!?

    and for the record culbs, you are WAY nicer than i am. i shut my mom down with all of her stupid "but what about my bfffffffffff"ing. and FMIL and also been shut down for putting her aunts and uncles in the guest-list, yet coincidentally omitting the same number of FI's first cousins on his dad's side. WEIRD. lol ohh man. guest list drama cracks my sh!t up. normally FMIL wouldn't pull a stunt like that because she's way easy going/laid back about that crap- but it just proves that weddings drive any and everyone into the crazy. 
    Bio Update 4.25.10
    Amanda Williams Photography
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