Last night I was up much later than usual. I was flipping through the channels & I come across a show called "Shop Erotic" on DTV (Direct TV?). I knew that it wasn't an adult channel & surprised to see that on regular satellite TV.
OMG...It is the same format as QVC or HSN, but they sell toys. The saleswomen were not hookered out or talking sexy. It was like they were selling you a pair of earrings. They even had the little box on the screen w/ the item description, original price & sale price just like QVC/HSN! The saleswoman was talking about a glass d o n g (not sure if TK will let me post She actually said nonchalantly, "I recommend a glass d o n g over any other d o n g s." She must've said that word 100x & I could not stop laughing!
They actually have a website & it appears safe. Yes, I went there this a.m. & no pop-ups. (let's see if that posts!)
I'm really shocked that this is not on an adult channel & looks like it goes on as early as 11pm some nights.