My FI graduated from State, I graduated from Michigan, and we are both HUGE sports fans and very dedicated alumni of our colleges. Most of our friends and family are also pretty big into one school or the other too. I went to a wedding a few years ago with a simlar bride and groom, they had a contest and then played the winner's fight song. It was a lot of fun and everyone got really into it. I think what they did is have jars for $ for each school and whichever got the most had their fight song played...
I'm not big on the whole dollar dance thing, and definitely don't want to do it for the money, I just think it'd be fun. Especially since it is a big part of our lives/who we are.
Any ideas on how we can do something like this without seeming like we are trying to get a few more bucks? Some way to determine the winner without cash jars maybe? You guys are always so creative with this stuff
