
XP - That's gonna leave a mark...


Doctor says no make up until this heals. Any suggestions on how to minimize this scar? I know professional photos can be photoshopped but others not?

Re: XP - That's gonna leave a mark...

  • What the hell did you do?! You okay? I mean obviously stitches and stuff but is your vision alright?
    June 16, 2012
  • I actually don't remember, but I think I must have been walking in my sleep and either (a) opened the bedroom door or (b) was on the toilet and hit my eyebrow on the counter. Somehow I went back to my room, passed out on the floor, got back up and got into bed.

    About 5am my head felt itchy so I got a washcloth, wet it and put it on my forehead then went back to bed. 6:30am I woke up, saw blood on the  washcloth, pillowcase and blood on the carpet. Felt my forehead and there was a gash.  Got dressed, cleaned up what I could in the bathroom and then told my dad I had to go to urgent care.

    Urgent care ended up sending me to ER - it was so deep it was one layer from the skull..  They took 8 stitches - 3 inside and 5 out.  Had a CT scan, bloodwork, EKG and a tetnus shot.  No concussion or fractured skull.
  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited March 2013
    Ouch! Was this on St Patty's Day, LOL? (just kidding!).

    There are a couple of weirdly colored undereye and spot "hiders", one yellow, the other blue-ish green. The yellow one washes out dark circles or bruising, the blue-ish green one washes out red marks. I've purchased mine from the local drug store, I"m sure you can get them just about anywhere. When you use them, use them sparingly then cover with your regular face makeup/foundation. I actually use a small makeup brush, similar to a lip brush, to apply these.

    OK Rocky, ready for Round 2 (sorry, LOL).
  • Thanks Sue!  No, this happened on the morning of the 15th.  I guess my concern is down the road when it has healed and I would want to mininize the marks in any pictures that are taken which are not professional.

  • Oh no! 
    Shea butter, cocoa butter, and vitamin E will become your best friends.  When I had knee surgery I was told to put some thick shea butter/cocoa butter cream on the scar often (I alternated between the two and used The Body Shop body butter stuff).  Twice a day I opened a vitamin E capsule and rubbed it into my scar.  I did that for maybe 2 months and today you can hardly see the scars. 

    Once the scab has gone for short term coverage I'd follow Sue's directions.  My instructions are for long term scar reduction but must be started as soon as possible to work optimally. 
  • Thanks! The stitches came out on Friday and I'm still using neosporin but will probably switch to cocoa butter soon.

    I think I MIGHT have a hemotoma on the brow itself. Thearea is itchy and it takes a lot of willpower not to scratch it!

    The doctor who took the stitches believe I may have a slight concussion - as I still have numbness. Seems his wife had had one some time ago and had the same symptoms.
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