
Bachelorette Party?

One of my BM's had the idea of doing a "murder mystery" bachelorette party.  I think that it would be fun, but I'm not sure if this something that other people would want to do.  There are going to be about 30 girls invited, and there are "all girl" murder mystry's available.  So I'm just really undecided if this is something that I would want to do!

Has anyone participated in a murder mystery? Any thoughts on this?

Thanks ladies!

Re: Bachelorette Party?

  • jodyk23jodyk23 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I haven't participated in one since college. It does require alot of interest and attention from everyone to make it work. Ours was for a sorority date function and interest dwindled quickly once people started drinking and socializing.
    You know your group of invitees, if you think they will pay attention and have fun with it, go for it. If you think they will just get drunk instead, I'd skip it. Especially if you don't see most of them alot, they will want to hear about the wedding plans and just spend time with you. JMHO
  • terbear_86terbear_86 member
    edited December 2011
    These are a TON of fun. Especially if you do one that has a costume theme. My parents did one that was 50's themed and they had a great time, the pics were hilarious of them with poodle skirts and stuffs.

    I did one for my 14th bday party ( ya ya it was awhile ago) but it was teenaged themed and we had a ton of fun. The only downside is that they usually don't have mysteries available with 30 participants. I think mine was 8 and so was my parents. So unless you can find a dinner theatre somewhere, you might have to go to one and not host one at your house. -- unless going to one was your question, in which case I say go for it.
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