I just wanted to say Im seriously so sick of vendors being rude or there employees having attitude, I was just posting about that in the 'what annoys you" post yesturday I think it was, well I went to get the mail today and inside was a christmas card from Shutterbooth that said "we are looking forward to working with you have a great holiday from the Shutterbooth family"
I just wanted to say seriously it made me smile that they took the time and hand wrote a card to me 10 months before my wedding. They also gave me $200 off because they were running that save$200 special if book before nov 1st. I didnt think Id get it since I had booked back in like April but they told me hey would honor it. Which was awesome because some other vendors have had specials and specifically say "only new bookings qualify, pre exisiting dont"
I know its stupid but I needed a wedding boost