Wow, I just remember that this is going to be a sucky thanksgiving. It'll be the 1 year anniversary of the death of my BIL. I was very close to him and he was so looking forward to our wedding but never made it.
My sister is still a mess and I cannot even imagine what she'll be going through. She will be spending thanksgiving alone. She no longer speaks to me. Long story short she thought I treated her like crap when she came for our wedding. She got mad because I talked back to her. We fought the entire time she was here. I felt like she wanted me to give her some special treatment which I couldn't because I was planning the wedding
I even apologised for whatever she thought I did. I've sent her emails and she doesn't respond. I can only reach out but so many times. We were very close and don't think we will ever be close again. Anyway this is going to be a very sad thanksgiving for her and especially for me because I no longer have that closeness that I had with her and I miss my BIL terribly . She is also the eldest so you would think she'd know better.