Ugh It is none of my business what people choose to spend their money on.But I talked to FMIL today and she was out buying 9 year old FSIL a new DS because she dropped hers and it broke.I suggest to FMIL to go to Game Stop and buy a used one for $70 instead of spending $129 at Toys R Us.(And knowing her she will probably upgrade her to the DSI which is $169)She says to me 'Well if I'm gonna buy one I might as well buy her a new one" Really? You would rather spend an extra $50 that isn't going to be used as a gift? What is that teaching her?Oh break your stuff and you get a new one.At least check on Ebay or Craigs list
What really makes me mad is that FMIL constantly,I mean constantly complains how she doesn't have any money any more.And has a pity party on herself that none of her friends want to hang out because they can't do the things thye used to be able to do.
I had to stop myself from saying 'Well you are the one who says you don't have money for anything." But I didn't.
Thanks for letting me vent!