

Ugh It is none of my business what people choose to spend their money on.But I talked to FMIL today and she was out buying 9 year old FSIL a new DS because she dropped hers and it broke.I suggest to FMIL to go to Game Stop and buy a used one for $70 instead of spending $129 at Toys R Us.(And knowing her she will probably upgrade her to the DSI which is $169)She says to me 'Well if I'm gonna buy one I might as well buy her a new one" Really? You would rather spend an extra $50 that isn't going to be used as a gift? What is that teaching her?Oh break your stuff and you get a new one.At least check on Ebay or Craigs list
What really makes me mad is that FMIL constantly,I mean constantly complains how she doesn't have any money any more.And has a pity party on herself that none of her friends want to hang out because they can't do the things thye used to be able to do.
I had to stop myself from saying 'Well you are the one who says you don't have money for anything." But I didn't.
Thanks for letting me vent!

Re: NWR: FMIL Vent

  • jodyk23jodyk23 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Grrr, I hate it when people spoil young kids. My mom is the worst for this too. I'm going making sure to keep a tight handle of this once we have kids. She buys presents for everything, like Easter!  She even bought my nephew (who is 2 and a half years old) presents the other day because he asked for them. She even wrapped them. Seriously, the spoiling must end!

    BTW, you're FI has a sister who is 9?
  • edited December 2011
    Presents I think is one thing, buying something that is not a"need" because she broke it,is another.Especially when it is over $100.I would make her use her own money.At least to pay for half.
    Haha yea she is 9 there is 16 years between them and no kids in between.She was an oops.
  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    There's an 11 year difference between myself and my youngest sister..She was an oops, too.

    I definetly hear you. My youngest sister used to get spoiled all the time it seemed like but not to the extent you describe. Hang in there, I know it's hard to bite your tongue on this type of stuff. Believe me, I wanted to go off on my sister after she wrecked her second cell phone. Kids these days just don't understand the value of things.
    There is no death. Only a change of worlds
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  • edited December 2011

    I definitely see your point. They are teaching kids the wrong things these days! MOH babysits for this family who is very well off. That's fine and all, but they show their love for the kids by getting them all of these electronics. The boy has 2 Xbox's (one broke so his dad bought him a new one and then got the other fixed) and both kids have gone thru 3 iPhone's each. Either they've lost them or broken them. They even have their own laptop! One is a freshman in high school and the other is in 7th or 8th grade. Come on know! It's ridiculous spoiled kids are these days!

  • edited December 2011
    I will definitely spoil my kids during their birthday/holidays, but any other time (and esp if they break it) they are on their "own" and will learn the value of expensive items!

    I even yell at Fi when I think he's going to break an expensive object.
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