
Dress Nerves

Hi all. So it's almost time to order my dress. I have been to almost every store in the state (at least that's what it feels like). I found my dress several months ago at IDoToo in plymouth. But now that it's about time to buy I'm starting to get really nervous about it, like is it really the dress? I look at pictures now and I don't like how I look (I've gained some weight so that's all I see when I look at pictures now)! But I also know I've tried on a hundred other dresses...

Are these normal dress nerves? Did anyone else feel like this? Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on the dress. I don't want to regret whatever direction I end up going.

The dress in question is in my bio, but I also tried on a totally out there dress on a whim and that didn't help me stop questioning:

Re: Dress Nerves

  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think that dress looks great on you!

    I don't know if I'm much help because when I tried on my dress, I KNEW instantly it was the one.  Try it on again and if you feel that way, order it.

    I understand that not everyone has that feeling and that's completely fine.  But it sounds like you've tried on so many dresses, so just narrow it down to your top three and try them on one after another (if possible) to see which one you love.
    Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • katiebird1981katiebird1981 member
    edited December 2011
    I think the dress is gorgeous!  Don't worry about your nerves.  I had the same thing with me and in fact, I had to rush home after trying the dress on to throw up.  I think it was due to it being the first wedding thing I did.  How do you feel when you have the dress on? 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • whrldtravlrwhrldtravlr member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Yup, I went through the exact same thing. I went back and tried on the dress 5 times before I bought it and knew it was the one. Even then I went for a few months before I got to the stage of "I don't want to take it off and I don't want any other dress." I think that idea of 'there's only one dress possible for the big day' is what makes it so daunting!
  • edited December 2011
    The PIP dress looks quite similar in style/cut/look to the one in your bio so I'm not surprised you liked them both. Personally, I like the one in your bio better, but I wouldn't like the stuff around my neck (i'm weird).

    I think its completely normal to be nervous - its one decision you kinda can't change and there are tons and tons of gorgeous dresses.

    Try it on again and see how you feel without self-deprecating thoughts about your weight because you look fine. I never had that OMG this is the one feeling but I just kept thinking about my dress and I'd randomly look at it online.

    Good luck!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I love the one in your bio!  I think it looks fantastic on you.
  • edited December 2011
    I love, love, love the one in your bio...you look awesome!!!

    I think we all have that worry about making sure we buy the right dress...it's totally normal. Good luck in making your choice :)
    Old Planning Bio
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    May 15, 2010
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  • edited December 2011
    I think you look great in the one in your bio, just think about which one says "Breanne" more, and which one you will be more comfortable in and feel most like yourself.  I would do as the pp said and narrow it down to the two or three and go from those, and then once you pick, don't look at another dress!
  • edited December 2011
    ZOMG Bre are you kidding?! You know darn well that I was totally nutty about dress shopping- "yes? no? I love it? I hate it? This is great, but is it the greatest?" UGH I had to stop. LOL so I took Christine to I Do Too and forced her into picking HER favorite, and did the same to my step-mom! (Even now I think "ohhh, uh oh, I picked the right one, right?" but WHATEVER. CURSE dress shopping, it's just a dress, right? LOL) 

    Let me know when we're going back- even though I didn't end up buying from them and they probably hate me (whoops) I'll wear a wig and we'll look at them both, k? 

    (BUT- I love Shirley on you in the pics. LOVE Shirley. It's super hawt!)
    Steph and Chris, 6/26/10
    Planned Executed
  • edited December 2011
    I don't know which dress you chose, but whatever dress I just saw in your bio under #5, #6, #7..looked amazing!

    Any who, I feel the same way. I hope I made the right decision. I have gained weigh and need to lose 10 pounds by the end of January to fit into my dress when it arrives. I hope that happens!
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