

FI and I were talking about the actress Mo'Nique and how she doesn't shave her legs.  I could never do that!  I love the feeling when my legs are all nice and smooth....so does FI.  However, sometimes I don't feel like shaving them due to it taking so much time in the shower.  And especially in the winter, the hair grows back the next day due to goose bumps or chills.  What's the point?! 

My question is...how often do you shave your legs? 

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Re: Shaving??

  • edited December 2011
    Not as often as my FI wants!!! lol

    I tend to get lazy in the winter time- leg wise, anyway. My skin gets so dry and it hurts and gets flaky, so I let it roll and wear tights if I'm wearing a skirt.

    However, if I was at an awards show with all my peers and for some reason would be lifting my skirt, I'd at least shave to the knee! lol
  • edited December 2011

    I shave maybe once a week. My hair does not grow that much and its blonde when it does grow in. I just shaved last night and I think the last time before that was 2 weeks ago! Its not that I hate shaving, I just think for me its unnecessary to do it every day or every 2 days. Of course FI loves the way my legs feel right after shaving. And I never let it get to the point where he looks at my legs and gasps! But the summer is completely different. I shave all the time in the summer. No fuzz on my legs during the summertime!

  • edited December 2011
    I shave every day!  It's an obsessive thing with me,(so is flossing). I cannot stand the feeling of even a little stubble on my legs.

    I don't know how Mo'nique does it! I feel like it would drive me insane. Even thinking about it makes me crazy.
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  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    Oh man, I shave my legs like 13 out of 14 days!  I hate hate hate when my legs aren't shaved.  When I wasn't living with FI, I wouldn't shave on the days I didn't see him.  And now that I live with him, I shave *almost* every day.  The funny thing is, he couldn't care less -- I'm the one that minds!  I can shave using just water -- no need to use any soap or shaving cream so its really easy and quick for me to shave my legs.  It takes like 2 or 3 minutes.  Once a week or so, I will use shaving cream to get a really good shave, but not every time.

    However, I do have VERY VERY dry skin and this winter, my legs started getting really irritated from shaving.  My legs would be so itchy and I would literally scratch them til they bled.  It looks like my calves had been attached by moquitos.  So I buy anti-itch cream (cortizone) and use that on my legs after I apply lotion.  The tube costs like $3 and lasts like three weeks, but it stops the itching completely.

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  • edited December 2011

    I am only every other day to every two days all year.  I have really blonde, soft hair, so it's more for me mental than anything-FI even claimed not notice if I skip 2 days.  My eye brows are the same  (they don't show up in pictures unless I put make up on them) - I wax them because I know, but nobody else can ever tell.

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  • klreese0213klreese0213 member
    edited December 2011
    Julie, i also have that problem. it isn't because of my skin being dry but because my skin is so sensitive. about 10 years ago i started using Dove Sensitive Skin and it helps with the sensitivity but i also scratch like that. corizone cream is very helpful!
    as for shaving, summer i do it everyday. in the winter i do it every 3-4 days. my hair grows back fast, but like many have said.. it's winter. i'm not wearing shorts. and in th event that i think i'm gonna get *lucky* and hurry and shave LOL!!! i couldn't imagine not shaving completely!
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  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    <p>In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_shaving?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:88Discussion:bc758493-1da0-44f5-8a22-047142e525c6Post:c425e6b1-daac-4168-a013-2120ff6f3f43">Re: Shaving??</a>:
    [QUOTE]Julie, i also have that problem. it isn't because of my skin being dry but because my skin is so sensitive. about 10 years ago i started using Dove Sensitive Skin and it helps with the sensitivity but i also scratch like that. corizone cream is very helpful!
    Posted by klreese0213[/QUOTE]

    I have very sensitive skin, too.  I burn easily, get eczema in the winter, my skin practically turns purple when I am cold, bruise easily, etc.  This is the first winter where I have had to use cortizone cream on a daily basis, but its also the first winter I've lived with FI and shaved almost every day.  I use it in addition to regular lotion and it makes moisturizing expensive, but I go insane scratching without it.  Funny thing, I am self-conscious about people seeing "anti-itching cream" in my bathroom cause I don't want them thinking weird things about me, so I put it away at the bottom of my make up case!

    I have tried basically every lotion out there.  Eucerin didn't help at all, Cetaphil feels too gross for me...I'm not sure if I've used Dove Sensitive Skin, but maybe I'll pick that up next to see if it works.</p>
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  • edited December 2011
    Ok, I'm going to be the weirdo here, but leg hair really doesn't bother me or FI.  He has never said anything to me about it, and I usually have to point out to him when I did shave, and he's like, "oh yeah, that's nice."  Every once in a while, I shave just for me because I start to feel unsexy with man-hair on my legs.  But other than that, I only shave when other people will be seeing my legs.  During the winter, I almost never wear skirts and if I do, I wear tights, so I seriously go well over a month at a time without shaving.  I actually cannot remember the last time I shaved...  In the summer it's more like once or twice a week, but again, only because I wear shorts and skirts more often.

    Now arm pits I shave every single day because that does gross me out.  And bikini area I also keep well trimmed (sorry if that's TMI).  But leg hair just doesn't bother me and I'm lazy so I let it go! 
  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Oh, here's a random tidbit.  I swam competitively up until I graduated from high school.  And we weren't allowed to shave our legs during regular season.  Then at the end of the year, for the final swim meet, we would have a shave party where we would all get together and shave our legs and arms so we could swim faster (less resistance).  I'm pretty sure it was all psychological, but it was a team bonding thing and people would get so mad when girls would shave during regular season.  Swim season was about 3 1/2 months so by the end, it was really gross -- you would walk outside and you could feel your leg hair blowing in the wind.  My hair is fine and blonde so you couldn't really tell, but one of my friends had thick dark hair so she actually used the bleach stuff that some people use on their upper lip on her leg hair.

    Sorry if thats TMI, but just thought I'd share.
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  • ms nobodyms nobody member
    edited December 2011
    i shave maybe once a week in the winter. i'm lazy and it's too expensive to keep buying grooming products. lol during the summer i shave every other day- my hair doesnt grow that quickly.

    the way i see it: FI isnt hairless, so i dont have to be either lol.
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  • edited December 2011
    To answer your question Julie, I don't feel comfortable letting other people see my hairy legs, but it's not the end of the world to me.  A few times, I have forgotten to shave before going to the gym.  Then I'm sitting there on the machine in shorts and notice it and I'm just like, "oh well." 
  • Kimbus 87Kimbus 87 member
    edited December 2011
    FI doesn't care  as long as my leg hair isn't as long as his. My hair grows very quickly (like if i shave at night the next morning you can already see it and its dark). In the winter I shave like once a week or when I think about it -- I'm in pants all day so it really doesn't affect me. However, in the summer I shave once a day (or if were going out at night I'll shave twice).
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_shaving?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:88Discussion:bc758493-1da0-44f5-8a22-047142e525c6Post:dda3fa11-98bc-4396-b16e-414de264c600">Shaving??</a>:
    [QUOTE]FI and I were talking about the actress Mo'Nique and how she doesn't shave her legs.  I could never do that!  I love the feeling when my legs are all nice and smooth....so does FI.  However, sometimes I don't feel like shaving them due to it taking so much time in the shower.  And especially in the winter, the hair grows back the next day due to goose bumps or chills.  What's the point?!  My question is...how often do you shave your legs? 
    Posted by katiebird1981[/QUOTE]

    I'm from a culture where most women do not shave their legs and its not frowned upon. The United States is one of the few countries where women shave their legs and men seems to have a problem with women who do not shave their leg.

    Another thing being African American our hair can be very thick, curly or coarse and if we shave or use hair removers  we will get ingrown hair.   Not saying that we cannot shave. I personally use hair remover but I have to follow up with triple antibiotic ointment so that I do not get ingrown hair. Don't know why but its worked.

    Oh, and I dont shave my legs, I dont have hairy legs.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_shaving?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:bc758493-1da0-44f5-8a22-047142e525c6Post:a1aa4ac6-f049-43ac-bb88-e983505a3f8a">Re: Shaving??</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok, I'm going to be the weirdo here, but leg hair really doesn't bother me or FI.  He has never said anything to me about it, and I usually have to point out to him when I did shave, and he's like, "oh yeah, that's nice."  Every once in a while, I shave just for me because I start to feel unsexy with man-hair on my legs.  But other than that, I only shave when other people will be seeing my legs.  During the winter, I almost never wear skirts and if I do, I wear tights, so I seriously go well over a month at a time without shaving.  I actually cannot remember the last time I shaved...  In the summer it's more like once or twice a week, but again, only because I wear shorts and skirts more often. Now arm pits I shave every single day because that does gross me out.  And bikini area I also keep well trimmed (sorry if that's TMI).  But leg hair just doesn't bother me and I'm lazy so I let it go! 
    Posted by cmkuno[/QUOTE]

    that's me too. I can't remember the last time I shaved my legs - but other areas are trim lol.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    During the summer, I usually shave every other day.

    During the winter, I shave my armpits every other day (or so).  My legs, whenever I feel like it...it's usually a couple weeks in between.  Brian doesn't care so why should I?  I hate shaving with a passion because I have really sensitive skin and get ingrown hairs/rashes all the time.  It's not worth the discomfort if no one is going to see my legs.  Heck, I *barely* remembered to shave on my wedding day.  LOL!
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  • edited December 2011
    In the summer? Every other day to every 3 days. In the winter though, I get really lazy about it. But also I don't have much leg hair at all and it's all very blond as well, so you'd never know.

    I get it from my dad, you'd swear he shaves his legs! He used to be a swimmer, and still talks about how he never had to shave for meets. :)
  • edited December 2011
    I think I shave once a week, in winter and summer. My leg/armpit hair doesn't grow very fast I guess and while it's not blonde it's not black either. FI doesn't care and I don't really care either, though I do like the just shaved feeling I often don't have the extra time in the shower during the week so I save that for the weekends.
  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Every day of the year..My hair grows fast and I can't stand it.
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  • edited December 2011
    Every few days in the summer but I wear jeans pretty much year round. I love skirts but hate shorts.

    In the winter I'll go like 2 weeks without shaving. I should shave more because my hair is so dark and thick that when I finally do get around to shaving, it takes for ever because I'm constanting rinsing the razor. I rarely shave my thighs though. I get ingrown hairs like crazy on the back of my thighs and it just get's ugly. I've now started using a beard trimmer on my thighs! Like I said, I have thick dark hair so I can't just let it go.

    Arm pits are always shaved.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_shaving?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:bc758493-1da0-44f5-8a22-047142e525c6Post:01d11797-83bc-4260-afda-070e3b08a759">Re: Shaving??</a>:
    [QUOTE]To answer your question Julie, I don't feel comfortable letting other people see my hairy legs, but it's not the end of the world to me.  A few times, I have forgotten to shave before going to the gym.  Then I'm sitting there on the machine in shorts and notice it and I'm just like, "oh well." 
    Posted by cmkuno[/QUOTE]

    Haha this is me. When I was in school I only made it to the gym once every 2 weeks on average, and every time it was always, "... man!" because it always landed right before a shave.

    Winter+engaged= once per week unless I am going out or something which is pretty rare these days.
    Summer= every other day and gotta shave the underarms eeeveryday summer or winter. Don't have dainty blonde hairs like some ladies do.
  • edited December 2011
    p.s. definitely shelling out for a wax for the wedding/honeymoon. Anyone else, or am I being extravagant?
  • edited December 2011
    Some people are just lucky and don't have to shave often. I guess I'm just a hairy beast. I have to shave everyday to avoid becoming prickly
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  • edited December 2011
    I shave maybe once a week or every two weeks in the winter.  I shave a little more during the summer but I'm not the most comfortable in shorts so i don't really have to worry about anyone seeing my hairy legs in the summer either.  FI makes comments and sometimes I will shoot back when you shave (his face - I HATE his beard) i'll shave.  i always cave before he does though.
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