So I have been unemployed for almost 3 months. I was lucky enough to have some really good activity the first week of getting laid off. I went on 4 interviews with one company and 3 with another company. Well I never heard anything back from the company that I had 3 interviews with, but the company with 4 interviews decided my background was not strong enough. Really?!? You put me through 4 interviews and then decide my background is not strong enough? That was a waste of my time. Seriously. This is getting really frustrating. I would like to know what it is I'm doing wrong, but apparently it's not that. It seems like companies are not going the next step to let candidates know if they got the job or not. They just sort of leave me in limbo here and I'm just supposed to guess that I probably didn't get it. To me, it's rude because if I were that HR person, I'd do a much better job at communicating. But that's just me.
Then, I had a recruiter call me a couple weeks ago about potentially moving to Germany for a job (yay!) and he was asking me about my religious background and how I am a child of God. WTF is that? I'm pretty sure the job isn't to become a minister or anything within the church, why do you have to know how often I visit church?
I'm trying to stay positive, I really am. But getting shot down one after another is not really doing anything for me. Hopefully I nail this upcoming phone interview for Germany and get the job, which is one of my lifelong career goals.
Ok, end rant! Whew, I'm glad I got that off my chest!